The Climate Limited-area Modelling Community (CLM-Community) is an open international network of scientists working in the area of regional climate modelling and climate change. The members of the CLM-Community develop the regional climate models COSMO-CLM and ICON-CLM together, apply the models for a wide range of applications and collaborate in scientific projects. Together it is possible to achieve more than everybody could achieve alone. As an African saying goes:
"If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together."
The CLM-Community agreement regulates the cooperation of the members, in particular the joint application and further development of the community models, and obligates the members to follow the rules of good scientific practice as formulated by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
All scientists working in the field of regional climate modelling and related areas are invited to join the community and contribute to the further development of the community models.
December 2024:
- Registration and abstract submission for D-A-CH 2025 Conference in Bern is open:https://dach2025.oeschger.unibe.ch/
- New Publication:
- Breil, M., V.K.M. Schneider, J.G. Pinto (2024): The effect of forest cover changes on the regional climate conditions in Europe during the period 1986–2015. Biogeosciences, 21, 811–824, 2024, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-21-811-202
- Feldmann, H., M. Hundhausen, R. Kohlhepp, M. Breil (2024): Impact of Land-Use Change and User-Tailored Climate Change Information from a High-Resolution Climate Simulation Ensemble. In: Nagel, W. E., Kröner, D.H., Resch, M.M. (eds) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '22. HPCSE 2022. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-46870-4_20
- Hagemann, S., T.T. Nguyen, H.T.M. Ho-Hagemann (2024): A three-quantile bias correction with spatial transfer for the correction of simulated European river runoff to force ocean models. Ocean Sci., 20, 1457–1478, https://doi.org/10.5194/os-20-1457-2024
- Heinemann, G., L. Schefczyk, R. Zentek (2024): A model-based study of the dynamics of Arctic low-level jet events for the MOSAiC drift. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene (2024) 12 (1): 00064, https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2023.00064
- Ho-Hagemann, H.T.M., V. Maurer, S. Poll, I. Fast (2024): Coupling the regional climate model ICON-CLM v2.6.6 to the Earth system model GCOAST-AHOI v2.0 using OASIS3-MCT v4.0.Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 7815–7834, 2024, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-7815-2024
- Kilian, M., V. Grewe, P. Jöckel, A. Kerkweg, M. Mertens, A. Zahn, H. Ziereis (2024): Ozone source attribution in polluted European areas during summer 2017 as simulated with MECO(n).Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13503–13523, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-24-13503-2024
- Landshuter, N, F. Aemisegger, T. Mölg (2024): Stable Water Isotope Signals and Their Relation to Stratiform and Convective Precipitation in the Tropical Andes.J. of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,129, e2023JD040630. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JD040630Received
- Langendijk, G.S., T. Halenka, P. Hoffmann, M. Adinolfi, A.A. Campino, O. Asselin, S. Bastin, B. Bechtel, M. Belda, A. Bushenkova, A. Campanale, K. Pan Chun, K. Constantinidou, E. Coppola, M. Demuzere, Q.-V. Doan, J. Evans, H. Feldmann, J. Fernandez, L. Fita, J. Yuan, P. Hadjinicolaou, R. Hamdi, M. Hundhausen, D. Grawe, F. Johannsen, J. Milovac, E. Katragkou, N. El Islam Kerroumi, S. Kotlarski, B. Le Roy, A. Lemonsu, C. Lennard, M. Lipson, S. Mandal, L.E. Muñoz Pabón, V. Pavlidis, J.-P. Pietikäinen, M. Raffa, E. Raluy-López, D. Rechid, R. Ito, J.-P. Schulz, P.M.M. Soares, Y. Takane, C. Teichmann, M. Thatcher, S. Top, B. Van Schaeybroeck, F. Wang, J. Yuan (2024): Towards better understanding the urban environment and its interactions with regional climate change - The WCRP CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study URB-RCC. Urban Climate, 58, Art.-Nr.: 102165. doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2024.102165
- Russo, E., B. Geyer, P. Petrik, K. Keuler, M. Adinol, H. Feldmann, K. Goergen, A. Kerkweg, P. Khain, P. Ludwig, M. Mertens, P. Pothapakula, M. Raffa, B. Rockel, J.-P. Schulz, M. Sulis, H.T.M. Ho-Hagemann, H. Truhetz, L. Uzan, U. Voggenberger, C. Steger: (2024): CLM Community WG EVAL, COordinated Parameter Testing project 2 (COPAT2): COSMO-CLM 6.0 clm1 recommended model configuration. COSMO Technical Reports, No. 51, https://doi.org/10.5676/DWD_pub/nwv/cosmo-tr_51, 2024.
November 2024:
- Registration for ICCARUS 2025 is open:www.dwd.de/iccarus
- First recommended version (icon-202407) and configuration (C2I301c) for ICON-CLM has been accepted.
- Changes CLM Community Agreement: New version is avaialbe here .
- CLM Community Assembly 2025: Save the date! The Assembly 2025 will take place in Graz, Austria from 22 - 26 September 2025.
October 2024:
- New ICON release icon-2024.10 is available:https://gitlab.dkrz.de/icon/icon-model
- New Publication:
- Mezzina, B., H. Goosse1, P.-V. Huot, S. Marchi, N. Van Lipzig (2024): Contributions of atmospheric forcing and ocean preconditioning in the 2016 Antarctic sea ice extent drop. Environmental Research-Climate, Vol. 3, (2), Art.No. ARTN 021002. doi: 10.1088/2752-5295/ad3a0b
- Neirynck, N., J. Van de Walle, R. Borgers, S. Jamaer, J. Meyers, A. Stoffelen, N.P.M. van Lipzig (2024): Mesoscale weather systems and associated potential wind power variations in a midlatitude sea strait (Kattegat). Wind Energy Science, 9 (8), 1695-1711, doi: 10.5194/wes-9-1695-2024
July 2024:
- New issue of the CLM Community Newsletter (No. 23) available now: Newsletter #23 - July 2024
- New ICON release icon-2024.07 is available now: https://gitlab.dkrz.de/icon/icon-model