Grey Literature
Grey Literature only. For peer reviewed articles follow this .
2020 2019 2018 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Shrestha, P., M. Sulis, S. Poll, T. Hoar, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, C. Simmer, S. Kollet (2020): Uncertainty in Terrestrial Water Cycle Simulations . Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, NIC Series, Vol. 50, ISBN 978-3-95806-443-0, pp. 311,
Caldas-Alvarez, A. (2019): Atmospheric Moisture Effects on Deep Convection in the Western Mediterranean. PhD Thesis.
Laube, N. (2019): Predictability of European Heat Waves . Dissertation. doi:10.5445/IR/1000098837 (Link )
CH2018 (2018): Climate Scenarios for Switzerland, Technical Report. National Centre for Climate Services, Zurich, 271 pp, ISBN: 978-3-9525031-4-0,
Tom Akkermans (2013): Modeling land-atmosphere interactions in tropical Africa: The climatic impact of deforestation in the Congo Basin. PhD Thesis
Monika Barcikowska (2013): Variability and trend of tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific for the last decades. Universität Hamburg, PhD Thesis
Ho-Hagemann, H.T.M.; Rockel, B.; Kapitza, H.; Geyer, B.; Meyer, E. (2013): COSTRICE - an Atmosphere - Ocean - Sea Ice Model Coupled System using OASIS3
Susanna Mohr (2013): Änderung des Gewitter- und Hagelpotentials im Klimawandel. Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung (IMK), PhD Thesis
Akkermans, T., Lauwaet, D., Demuzere, M., Vogel, G., Nouvellon, Y., Ardö, J., Caquet, B., De Grandcourt, A., Merbold, L, Kutsch, W., Van Lipzig, N. (2012): Validation and comparison of two soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer models for Tropical Africa. Journal of Geohysical Research, 117, G02013.
Andreas Dobler (2010): Downscaling of general circulation models in two alpine regions: The European Alps and the Himalayas, PhD Thesis, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main, 121pp.
Legutke, S., H.-D. Hollweg, M. Lautenschlager, I. Fast, B. Hennemuth, E. Keup-Thiel, M. Schubert, and C. Wunram (2009): Transient Ensemble Climate Simulations over Europe with the RCM CLM forced by ECHAM5/MPI-OM IPCC AR4 Experiments, 64pp.
Will, A. and M. Woldt (2009): Comparison of COSMO-CLM results with CM-SAF products: Radiation components ToA, at the Surface and Cloud Properties, 121pp., IOP VS Study 16, Climate Monitoring Satellite Application Facility (CMSAF) at DWD, Offenbach, Germany
Zahn, M. (2009): Trends and variability in extratropical cyclones --- development of a climatology of North Atlantic polar lows, University of Hamburg, (PhD Thesis, accumulated from three peer reviewed publications: Zahn et. al 2008 - TellusA, Zahn and v.Storch 2008a - MetZeit, and Zahn and v. Storch 2008b - GRL (see peer reviewed articles) )
B. Ahrens and A. Dobler (2008): Climate Change Projections in the Upper Danube (European Alps) and the Upper Brahmaputra (Himalayas) . Extended Abstract for the 17th Conference on Applied Climatology, Whistler, 11-15 August, pp. 6.
Bachner, S. (2008): Daily precipitation characteristics simulated by a Regional Climate Model, including their sensitivity to model physics, Bonner Meteorologische Abhandlungen, 63, Asgard-Verlag, St. Augustin, Germany, 161 pp (at the same time: PhD Thesis, University of Bonn, Germany).
Block, A. (2007): Uncertainties of surface and soil parameters and their impacts on regional climate simulations, BTU Cottbus (PhD Thesis)
Ebell, K. (2007): Simulation of summer precipitation with the Regional Climate Model CLM, Meteorologisches Institut der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Diploma Thesis).
Böhm, U., M. Kücken, W. Ahrens, A. Block, D. Hauffe, K. Keuler, B. Rockel, and A. Will, (2006): CLM - the climate version of LM: Brief description and long-term applications.COSMO Newsletter, 6
Will, A., K. Keuler, A. and Block, (2006): The Climate Local Model - Evaluation Results and Recent Developments, TerraFLOPS Newsletter, 8, 2-3.
Böhm, U., K. Keuler, B. Rockel, A. Block, A. Will, D. Hauffe, and W. Ahrens (2005): Climate reconstructions over europe using the dynamic regional climate model clm, In International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses in Central and Eastern European Countries. Hungary, 5-8 November 2005.
Rockel, B., I. Meinke, J. Roads, W.J. Jr. Gutowski, R.W. Arritt, E.S. Takle, and C. Jones (2005): The Inter-CSE Transferability Study, CEOP Newsletter, 8, 4–5.
Wunram, C., (2005): Regional climate modelling with CLM, TerraFLOPS Newsletter, 6, 5-6