Heimo Truhetz in #10: INT2LM on January 11 (#10238de)

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> I have an issue concerning the INT2LM routine that has already happened to some of you. However, I'm unable to solve it with the tips that were given in other threads. </p> <p> Here is my error: </p> <p> izerrorgrid is            9 <br/> external data file        namelist input <br/> ie_ext             1900                1900 <br/> je_ext              900                 900 <br/> lonll        -32.794998168945312               -31.392499999999998 <br/> latll        -9.4610004425048828               -8.0625000000000000 <br/> lonur         19.427499771118164                18.080000000000005 <br/> latur         15.261500358581543                13.910000000000000 <br/> dlon          2.7499998915251962E-002           2.7500000000000000E-002 <br/> dlat          2.7500000891086125E-002           2.7500000000000000E-002 <br/> pollat        53.862998962402344                53.862998962402344 <br/> pollon       -162.59700012207031               -162.59700012207031 <br/> polgam        0.0000000000000000                0.0000000000000000 <br/> wrong grid for LM external parameters <br/> *------------------------------------------------------------* <br/> *    PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED <br/> *              IN ROUTINE:   int2lm_org <br/> * <br/> *    ERROR CODE is            2 <br/> *    Error in read_nc_gdefs_ext_lm </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> My LMGRId is defined as follows: </p> <p> LMGRID <br/> ielm_tot = 1800, jelm_tot=800, kelm_tot=60, <br/> pollat   =  53.863, pollon = -162.597, <br/> dlon     =  0.0275, dlat   =   0.0275, <br/> startlat_tot=-8.09, startlon_tot=-31.42, <br/> ke_soil_lm=9, <br/> czml_soil_lm = 0.0050,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.70,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.50, <br/> irefatm=2, <br/> ivctype=2,   !&lt;-- Default is 1 (vertical coordinate system) <br/> lanalyt_calc_t0p0=.TRUE., !&lt;-- new fast wave solver <br/> /END </p> <p> </p> <p> I already tried different combinations of startlat_tot and startlon_tot such as: </p> <p> -8.08 -31.32 </p> <p> -8.1175 -31.4475 </p> <p> -8.0625 -31.3925 </p> <p> and some more of those, but it always results in the same error. </p> <p> </p> <p> Any suggestions on how I could solve this? </p>

  @heimotruhetz in #10238de

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> I have an issue concerning the INT2LM routine that has already happened to some of you. However, I'm unable to solve it with the tips that were given in other threads. </p> <p> Here is my error: </p> <p> izerrorgrid is            9 <br/> external data file        namelist input <br/> ie_ext             1900                1900 <br/> je_ext              900                 900 <br/> lonll        -32.794998168945312               -31.392499999999998 <br/> latll        -9.4610004425048828               -8.0625000000000000 <br/> lonur         19.427499771118164                18.080000000000005 <br/> latur         15.261500358581543                13.910000000000000 <br/> dlon          2.7499998915251962E-002           2.7500000000000000E-002 <br/> dlat          2.7500000891086125E-002           2.7500000000000000E-002 <br/> pollat        53.862998962402344                53.862998962402344 <br/> pollon       -162.59700012207031               -162.59700012207031 <br/> polgam        0.0000000000000000                0.0000000000000000 <br/> wrong grid for LM external parameters <br/> *------------------------------------------------------------* <br/> *    PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED <br/> *              IN ROUTINE:   int2lm_org <br/> * <br/> *    ERROR CODE is            2 <br/> *    Error in read_nc_gdefs_ext_lm </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> My LMGRId is defined as follows: </p> <p> LMGRID <br/> ielm_tot = 1800, jelm_tot=800, kelm_tot=60, <br/> pollat   =  53.863, pollon = -162.597, <br/> dlon     =  0.0275, dlat   =   0.0275, <br/> startlat_tot=-8.09, startlon_tot=-31.42, <br/> ke_soil_lm=9, <br/> czml_soil_lm = 0.0050,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.70,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.50, <br/> irefatm=2, <br/> ivctype=2,   !&lt;-- Default is 1 (vertical coordinate system) <br/> lanalyt_calc_t0p0=.TRUE., !&lt;-- new fast wave solver <br/> /END </p> <p> </p> <p> I already tried different combinations of startlat_tot and startlon_tot such as: </p> <p> -8.08 -31.32 </p> <p> -8.1175 -31.4475 </p> <p> -8.0625 -31.3925 </p> <p> and some more of those, but it always results in the same error. </p> <p> </p> <p> Any suggestions on how I could solve this? </p>

Dear all,

I have an issue concerning the INT2LM routine that has already happened to some of you. However, I'm unable to solve it with the tips that were given in other threads.

Here is my error:

izerrorgrid is            9
external data file        namelist input
ie_ext             1900                1900
je_ext              900                 900
lonll        -32.794998168945312               -31.392499999999998
latll        -9.4610004425048828               -8.0625000000000000
lonur         19.427499771118164                18.080000000000005
latur         15.261500358581543                13.910000000000000
dlon          2.7499998915251962E-002           2.7500000000000000E-002
dlat          2.7500000891086125E-002           2.7500000000000000E-002
pollat        53.862998962402344                53.862998962402344
pollon       -162.59700012207031               -162.59700012207031
polgam        0.0000000000000000                0.0000000000000000
wrong grid for LM external parameters
*              IN ROUTINE:   int2lm_org
*    ERROR CODE is            2
*    Error in read_nc_gdefs_ext_lm

My LMGRId is defined as follows:

ielm_tot = 1800, jelm_tot=800, kelm_tot=60,
pollat   =  53.863, pollon = -162.597,
dlon     =  0.0275, dlat   =   0.0275,
startlat_tot=-8.09, startlon_tot=-31.42,
czml_soil_lm = 0.0050,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.70,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.50,
ivctype=2,   !<-- Default is 1 (vertical coordinate system)
lanalyt_calc_t0p0=.TRUE., !<-- new fast wave solver

I already tried different combinations of startlat_tot and startlon_tot such as:

-8.08 -31.32

-8.1175 -31.4475

-8.0625 -31.3925

and some more of those, but it always results in the same error.

Any suggestions on how I could solve this?

View in channel
<p> if I take the numbers <br/> dx=2.7499998915251962E-002 <br/> lonll=-32.794998168945312 <br/> latll=-9.4610004425048828 <br/> lonll+dx*(0:60) <br/> latll+dx*(0:60) <br/> <br/> I get as possible values: <br/> -8.113500 -8.086000 -8.058500 <br/> and <br/> -31.4475 -31.4200 -31.3925 -31.3650 -31.3375 -31.3100 <br/> <br/> so the startlat_tot values you tried may be wrong? </p>

  @rolfzentek in #539ecb8

<p> if I take the numbers <br/> dx=2.7499998915251962E-002 <br/> lonll=-32.794998168945312 <br/> latll=-9.4610004425048828 <br/> lonll+dx*(0:60) <br/> latll+dx*(0:60) <br/> <br/> I get as possible values: <br/> -8.113500 -8.086000 -8.058500 <br/> and <br/> -31.4475 -31.4200 -31.3925 -31.3650 -31.3375 -31.3100 <br/> <br/> so the startlat_tot values you tried may be wrong? </p>

if I take the numbers

I get as possible values:
-8.113500 -8.086000 -8.058500
-31.4475 -31.4200 -31.3925 -31.3650 -31.3375 -31.3100

so the startlat_tot values you tried may be wrong?

<p> Dear Rolf, thank you for your help and the explanation. </p> <p> Is there a list with explanations of the Error Codes somewhere? It now finishes with ExtPar but then terminates here: </p> <p> heck the external parameters from CM <br/> File:   /gpfs/data/fs72281/lar/CCLM_vsc5/forcing/cas2023082700.nc <br/> ie_in_tot  =  544  je_in_tot =  224 </p> <p> var        ee  lev          min    imin jmin                 max    imax jmax        mean </p> <p> CLOSING ncdf FILE <br/> *------------------------------------------------------------* <br/> *    PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED <br/> *              IN ROUTINE:   int2lm_org <br/> * <br/> *    ERROR CODE is           38 <br/> *    Not all necessary fields could be read or interpolated <br/> *------------------------------------------------------------* <br/> </p> <p> Thank you already in advance. </p> <p> Cheers, Laurenz </p> <p> </p>

  @laurenzroither in #6f5238e

<p> Dear Rolf, thank you for your help and the explanation. </p> <p> Is there a list with explanations of the Error Codes somewhere? It now finishes with ExtPar but then terminates here: </p> <p> heck the external parameters from CM <br/> File:   /gpfs/data/fs72281/lar/CCLM_vsc5/forcing/cas2023082700.nc <br/> ie_in_tot  =  544  je_in_tot =  224 </p> <p> var        ee  lev          min    imin jmin                 max    imax jmax        mean </p> <p> CLOSING ncdf FILE <br/> *------------------------------------------------------------* <br/> *    PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED <br/> *              IN ROUTINE:   int2lm_org <br/> * <br/> *    ERROR CODE is           38 <br/> *    Not all necessary fields could be read or interpolated <br/> *------------------------------------------------------------* <br/> </p> <p> Thank you already in advance. </p> <p> Cheers, Laurenz </p> <p> </p>

Dear Rolf, thank you for your help and the explanation.

Is there a list with explanations of the Error Codes somewhere? It now finishes with ExtPar but then terminates here:

heck the external parameters from CM
File:   /gpfs/data/fs72281/lar/CCLM_vsc5/forcing/cas2023082700.nc
ie_in_tot  =  544  je_in_tot =  224

var        ee  lev          min    imin jmin                 max    imax jmax        mean

*              IN ROUTINE:   int2lm_org
*    ERROR CODE is           38
*    Not all necessary fields could be read or interpolated

Thank you already in advance.

Cheers, Laurenz

<p> Hey, I don´t know about any list… <br/> <br/> normally some errors are quite self-explainatory, like the one you got: “Not all necessary fields could be read or interpolated” …. or I can infer the problem from when the error happens (before, after or during a file is read for example)…. <br/> <br/> if I can´t find the error (and in your case, think that the forcing file ist okay and namelist values match), I search the int2lm source code. <br/> <br/> So doing a <code> grep "Not all necessary fields could be read or interpolated" * </code> inside the int2lm source code folder gives me the file <code> external_data.f90 </code> and inside before the error message gets set in the code I see the list of variables that gets checked for (depenting on nameslist settings) <br/> <br/> But maybe my way is stupid 😄 and someone else can tell you about a trouble-shooting list that exists, that I don´t know of 😄 <br/> <br/> uh, and (was is increasing of decreasing?… I think increasing) changing the namelist parameter idbg_level gives you more infos in the log, which may also help (during this debugging phase) <br/> <br/> Cheers <br/> Rolf </p>

  @rolfzentek in #8930600

<p> Hey, I don´t know about any list… <br/> <br/> normally some errors are quite self-explainatory, like the one you got: “Not all necessary fields could be read or interpolated” …. or I can infer the problem from when the error happens (before, after or during a file is read for example)…. <br/> <br/> if I can´t find the error (and in your case, think that the forcing file ist okay and namelist values match), I search the int2lm source code. <br/> <br/> So doing a <code> grep "Not all necessary fields could be read or interpolated" * </code> inside the int2lm source code folder gives me the file <code> external_data.f90 </code> and inside before the error message gets set in the code I see the list of variables that gets checked for (depenting on nameslist settings) <br/> <br/> But maybe my way is stupid 😄 and someone else can tell you about a trouble-shooting list that exists, that I don´t know of 😄 <br/> <br/> uh, and (was is increasing of decreasing?… I think increasing) changing the namelist parameter idbg_level gives you more infos in the log, which may also help (during this debugging phase) <br/> <br/> Cheers <br/> Rolf </p>

Hey, I don´t know about any list…

normally some errors are quite self-explainatory, like the one you got: “Not all necessary fields could be read or interpolated” …. or I can infer the problem from when the error happens (before, after or during a file is read for example)….

if I can´t find the error (and in your case, think that the forcing file ist okay and namelist values match), I search the int2lm source code.

So doing a grep "Not all necessary fields could be read or interpolated" * inside the int2lm source code folder gives me the file external_data.f90 and inside before the error message gets set in the code I see the list of variables that gets checked for (depenting on nameslist settings)

But maybe my way is stupid 😄 and someone else can tell you about a trouble-shooting list that exists, that I don´t know of 😄

uh, and (was is increasing of decreasing?… I think increasing) changing the namelist parameter idbg_level gives you more infos in the log, which may also help (during this debugging phase)


<p> Hi, there really is no list of the error codes, but the message mostly gives a good hint. In this case (not all fields could be read) you have to take a look to the file ASCII file OUTPUT: at the very end it contains a list, which fields have been read, and which one not. Then you have to see what you have to change for the input. </p>

  @ulrichschättler in #6d4b5da

<p> Hi, there really is no list of the error codes, but the message mostly gives a good hint. In this case (not all fields could be read) you have to take a look to the file ASCII file OUTPUT: at the very end it contains a list, which fields have been read, and which one not. Then you have to see what you have to change for the input. </p>

Hi, there really is no list of the error codes, but the message mostly gives a good hint. In this case (not all fields could be read) you have to take a look to the file ASCII file OUTPUT: at the very end it contains a list, which fields have been read, and which one not. Then you have to see what you have to change for the input.

<p> Thank you Ullrich for your help. </p>

  @laurenzroither in #2c669ec

<p> Thank you Ullrich for your help. </p>

Thank you Ullrich for your help.

<p> Dear all. </p> <p> thank you for your help. The issue has been resolved. </p> <p> </p> <p> Cheers :) </p>

  @heimotruhetz in #3da2e58

<p> Dear all. </p> <p> thank you for your help. The issue has been resolved. </p> <p> </p> <p> Cheers :) </p>

Dear all.

thank you for your help. The issue has been resolved.

Cheers :)