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Compilation Problem int2lm_091216_1.10_clm14
I have recently joined clm community and trying to compile the model systems. I have edited Fopts as per my system to the best of my knowledge (see attached). The make gives immediate error
[pmdtest@pmd int2lm_src]$ make
ls: /home/pmdtest/cosmo/source/int2lm_091216_1.10_clm14/int2lm_src/work: No such file or directory
compiling data_parameters.f90
/bin/sh: line 0: cd: /home/pmdtest/cosmo/source/int2lm_091216_1.10_clm14/int2lm_src/obj: No such file or directory
make: *** [/home/pmdtest/cosmo/source/int2lm_091216_1.10_clm14/int2lm_src/obj/data_parameters.o] Error 1
It seems to be complaining of work and obj directories and there are so such directories present.
Please advise me if Fopts is correct or not.
Further I have already compiled binaries of cosmo_131108_5.00 and int2lm_131101_2.00 which we are using for NWP mode. WIll they work for CLM too?
The work and obj directories are often not delivered with the source code, since they are empty at the beginning. Just create the directories with the mkdir command.