Climatology file for int2lm – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> we still have the same problem. We would like to create forcings with the int2lm tool for the <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> model. We have a running version with a specific domain and resolution (Eurocordex, 0.22°x0.22°) but now we want to modify either the resolution, the domain or both. For that purpose we tried to change the namelist parameters “ielm_tot”, “jelm_tot”, “dlon”, “dlat”, “startlat_tot” and “startlon_tot” in the <span class="caps"> LMGRID </span> block in the <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> file of the int2lm tool. However, we then get the following error in the stdout: </p> <pre>&lt;code class="text"&gt; PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED * IN ROUTINE: int2lm_org * * ERROR CODE is 1111 * ERROR *** Climate grid decomposition failed *** &lt;/code&gt;</pre> <p> We guess we have to modify the file specified via the namelist parameter “ylmext_lfn” as well (what we called climatology file in the last post). Unfortunately we still could not find out how to modify this file correctly or how to get a correct version for our domain. </p> <p> With best regards, <br/> Sven Karsten and Hossein Mashayekh </p>

  @svenkarsten in #3301049

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> we still have the same problem. We would like to create forcings with the int2lm tool for the <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> model. We have a running version with a specific domain and resolution (Eurocordex, 0.22°x0.22°) but now we want to modify either the resolution, the domain or both. For that purpose we tried to change the namelist parameters “ielm_tot”, “jelm_tot”, “dlon”, “dlat”, “startlat_tot” and “startlon_tot” in the <span class="caps"> LMGRID </span> block in the <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> file of the int2lm tool. However, we then get the following error in the stdout: </p> <pre>&lt;code class="text"&gt; PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED * IN ROUTINE: int2lm_org * * ERROR CODE is 1111 * ERROR *** Climate grid decomposition failed *** &lt;/code&gt;</pre> <p> We guess we have to modify the file specified via the namelist parameter “ylmext_lfn” as well (what we called climatology file in the last post). Unfortunately we still could not find out how to modify this file correctly or how to get a correct version for our domain. </p> <p> With best regards, <br/> Sven Karsten and Hossein Mashayekh </p>

Dear all,

we still have the same problem. We would like to create forcings with the int2lm tool for the CCLM model. We have a running version with a specific domain and resolution (Eurocordex, 0.22°x0.22°) but now we want to modify either the resolution, the domain or both. For that purpose we tried to change the namelist parameters “ielm_tot”, “jelm_tot”, “dlon”, “dlat”, “startlat_tot” and “startlon_tot” in the LMGRID block in the INPUT file of the int2lm tool. However, we then get the following error in the stdout:

<code class="text">
 *              IN ROUTINE:   int2lm_org
 *    ERROR CODE is         1111
 *     ERROR   *** Climate grid decomposition failed ***

We guess we have to modify the file specified via the namelist parameter “ylmext_lfn” as well (what we called climatology file in the last post). Unfortunately we still could not find out how to modify this file correctly or how to get a correct version for our domain.

With best regards,
Sven Karsten and Hossein Mashayekh