lffd....nc file problem – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Dear colleagues, I have a problem with int2lm for downscaling task <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> -to- <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> . <span class="caps"> CLM </span> version is 5.0, int2lm version is 131101_2.0. I have successfully simulated 4 months <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> run from <span class="caps"> ERAI </span> nterim coarse grid to 0.165 resolution. Then I have tried to run the nested simulation from 0.165 to 0.0625 grid. I have become an error (see the attached slurm-682707.out log file) – after closing lffd2010050100c.nc file, it is expecting for some reasons the lfff00000000.nc file instead of available lffd2010050100.nc file. Could you suggest me, where the problem is? Maybe, there are some confusions in <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> parameters file (I have attached it as int2lm5_nest.sh)? <br/> Thank you very much for any suggestions! </p>

  @vladimirplatonov in #36b143a

<p> Dear colleagues, I have a problem with int2lm for downscaling task <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> -to- <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> . <span class="caps"> CLM </span> version is 5.0, int2lm version is 131101_2.0. I have successfully simulated 4 months <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> run from <span class="caps"> ERAI </span> nterim coarse grid to 0.165 resolution. Then I have tried to run the nested simulation from 0.165 to 0.0625 grid. I have become an error (see the attached slurm-682707.out log file) – after closing lffd2010050100c.nc file, it is expecting for some reasons the lfff00000000.nc file instead of available lffd2010050100.nc file. Could you suggest me, where the problem is? Maybe, there are some confusions in <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> parameters file (I have attached it as int2lm5_nest.sh)? <br/> Thank you very much for any suggestions! </p>

lffd....nc file problem

Dear colleagues, I have a problem with int2lm for downscaling task CCLM -to- CCLM . CLM version is 5.0, int2lm version is 131101_2.0. I have successfully simulated 4 months CCLM run from ERAI nterim coarse grid to 0.165 resolution. Then I have tried to run the nested simulation from 0.165 to 0.0625 grid. I have become an error (see the attached slurm-682707.out log file) – after closing lffd2010050100c.nc file, it is expecting for some reasons the lfff00000000.nc file instead of available lffd2010050100.nc file. Could you suggest me, where the problem is? Maybe, there are some confusions in NAMELIST parameters file (I have attached it as int2lm5_nest.sh)?
Thank you very much for any suggestions!

View in channel
<p> The following two lines are missing in the <span class="caps"> DATA </span> part of your namelist: <br/> <pre> ytunit_in='d', ytunit_out='d', </pre> <br/> These lines define the file nomenclature. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #47b1d01

<p> The following two lines are missing in the <span class="caps"> DATA </span> part of your namelist: <br/> <pre> ytunit_in='d', ytunit_out='d', </pre> <br/> These lines define the file nomenclature. </p>

The following two lines are missing in the DATA part of your namelist:


These lines define the file nomenclature.