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cclm driven by ERA5, int2lm reports error
could anyone experienced help me with the error message posted below (the OUTPUT file is attached)?
It seems that some variables were set wrong. I checked the typos, the range of variables, and they seem ok. What could be other possible reasons?
Thanks in Advance.
—————————————————————————————— 0: * PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED 0: * IN ROUTINE : int2lm_org 0: * 0: * ERROR CODE is 1002 0: * ERROR *** Wrong values occured in NAMELIST input ***
more detailed error info:
YDATE _INI 1979010100
——- start INT2CLM 0: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 0 0 [8437]: mask 0×1000001 set
23: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 23 23 [8460]: mask 0×800000800000 set
14: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 14 14 [8451]: mask 0×80000080 set
22: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 22 22 [8459]: mask 0×800000800 set 6: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 6 6 [8443]: mask 0×8000008 set
15: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 15 15 [8452]: mask 0×80000080000 set
20: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 20 20 [8457]: mask 0×400000400 set 7: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 7 7 [8444]: mask 0×8000008000 set
19: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 19 19 [8456]: mask 0×200000200000 set 5: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 5 5 [8442]: mask 0×4000004000 set 1: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 1 1 [8438]: mask 0×1000001000 set
18: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 18 18 [8455]: mask 0×200000200 set 3: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 3 3 [8440]: mask 0×2000002000 set
16: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 16 16 [8453]: mask 0×100000100 set
21: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 21 21 [8458]: mask 0×400000400000 set
17: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 17 17 [8454]: mask 0×100000100000 set 9: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 9 9 [8446]: mask 0×10000010000 set 4: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 4 4 [8441]: mask 0×4000004 set 8: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 8 8 [8445]: mask 0×10000010 set
12: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 12 12 [8449]: mask 0×40000040 set
11: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 11 11 [8448]: mask 0×20000020000 set
13: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 13 13 [8450]: mask 0×40000040000 set 2: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 2 2 [8439]: mask 0×2000002 set
10: cpu-bind=MASK – m10699, task 10 10 [8447]: mask 0×20000020 set 0: SETUP OF INT2LM 0: INITIALIZATIONS 0: Info about KIND -parameters: iintegers / MPI _INT = 4 0: 7 0: int_ga / MPI _INT = 4 0: 7 0: INPUT OF THE NAMELISTS 0: *** NOTE : Old 10 digit date format is used for output files of INT2LM 0: *** specifications of input soil main levels *** 0: *** from Namelist INPUT are used *** 0: *** specifications of LM soil main levels *** 0: *** from Namelist INPUT are used *** 0: *** A default set for vcoord parameters is used: 2 0: *** A default set for refatm parameters is used: 2 0: 0: Code information used to build this binary 0: Binary name ….: tstint2lm 0: 0: Library name ……: int2lm 0: Tag name ……….: V2_0 0: Checkin-Date ……: 2013-11-01 14:28:13 0: Code is modified ..: .false. 0: Compile-Date ……: 0: Compiled by …….: uschaett 0: 0: Current start time : 2019-12-19 15:29 0: Running on nodes ..: 0: Data decomposition : 0: End of code information 0: 0: —————————————————————————————— 0: * PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED 0: * IN ROUTINE : int2lm_org 0: * 0: * ERROR CODE is 1002 0: * ERROR *** Wrong values occured in NAMELIST input *** 0: —————————————————————————————— 0: ————————————————————————————————————— 0: MPI _ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI _COMM_WORLD 0: with errorcode 1002. 0: 0: NOTE : invoking MPI _ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes. 0: You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on 0: exactly when Open MPI kills them. 0: —————————————————————————————————————
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish. 0: slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 18809355.0 ON m10699 CANCELLED AT 2019-12-19T15:29:05 ***
srun: error: m10699: task 0: Exited with exit code 234
srun: Terminating job step 18809355.0
srun: error: m10699: tasks 1-23: Killed
Hey Huan,
could you also upload your INPUT file, please?
Hi Rolf,
here is the INPUT file
Hey Huan,
I usually get this “ ERROR * Wrong values occured in NAMELIST input”, when I changed something in the INPUT and deleted a “,” or a “’” to much by mistake :D
But looking over it I didn´t catch anything in your INPUT that would cause this error…
Do you have another working version? Then I would suggest, that you try changing it step by step to check when the error occurs.
I on vacation now, sorry I couldn´t help…
Have you tried it with a newer INT2LM version. The latest one is INT2LM-v2.05_clm
You should at least get more information on the part of the namelist where the error occurs.
By the way in your OUTPUT file it reads
yinext_lfn caf1979010100.nc
Do you really have caf files and not cas files?