Converting CCLM output to CAF? – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Thank you Christian. <br/> Actually the aim was to use <span class="caps"> CAF </span> to force <span class="caps"> ICON </span> after converting <span class="caps"> CAF </span> to <span class="caps"> ICONCAF </span> . :( <br/> Is there a way to achieve this? </p> <p> Mostafa </p>

  @mostafahamouda in #5df9b96

<p> Thank you Christian. <br/> Actually the aim was to use <span class="caps"> CAF </span> to force <span class="caps"> ICON </span> after converting <span class="caps"> CAF </span> to <span class="caps"> ICONCAF </span> . :( <br/> Is there a way to achieve this? </p> <p> Mostafa </p>

Thank you Christian.
Actually the aim was to use CAF to force ICON after converting CAF to ICONCAF . :(
Is there a way to achieve this?
