Mostafa Hamouda in #10: INT2LM on August 25 (#4ea3f4b)

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Dear all, <br/> Has anyone tried to convert ERA5 CAF files using int2lm? <br/> I tried to do it. CAS files (over europe) work. However, CAF files do not work unless I use NCO to rearrance the vertical coordinates and cut the levels from 40 to 137 similar to CAS files. Is there something I could do in the namelist to shortcut that NCO step? <br/> </p> <p> Thank you </p> <p> Mostafa </p>

  @mostafahamouda in #4ea3f4b

<p> Dear all, <br/> Has anyone tried to convert ERA5 CAF files using int2lm? <br/> I tried to do it. CAS files (over europe) work. However, CAF files do not work unless I use NCO to rearrance the vertical coordinates and cut the levels from 40 to 137 similar to CAS files. Is there something I could do in the namelist to shortcut that NCO step? <br/> </p> <p> Thank you </p> <p> Mostafa </p>

Dear all,
Has anyone tried to convert ERA5 CAF files using int2lm?
I tried to do it. CAS files (over europe) work. However, CAF files do not work unless I use NCO to rearrance the vertical coordinates and cut the levels from 40 to 137 similar to CAS files. Is there something I could do in the namelist to shortcut that NCO step?

Thank you


View in channel
<p> &amp;CONTRL <br/> ydate_ini='2023010100', hstart=0, hstop=744, hincbound=1, <br/> yinput_model='CM', <br/> itype_aerosol = 2, <br/> itype_albedo = 2, <br/> itype_calendar = 0, <br/> itype_rootdp = 4, <br/> itype_t_cl = 1, <br/> itype_w_so_rel = 1, <br/> l_cressman = .FALSE., <br/> lbdclim = .TRUE., <br/> lboundaries =.TRUE., <br/> lfilter_oro=.FALSE., <br/> lforest = .TRUE., <br/> linitial=.TRUE., <br/> lmulti_layer_in = .TRUE., <br/> lmulti_layer_lm = .TRUE., <br/> lprog_qi = .TRUE., <br/> lreorder = .TRUE., <br/> lsso = .TRUE., <br/> ltime_mean = .TRUE., <br/> luse_t_skin = .TRUE., <br/> nincwait = 5, nmaxwait = 20, <br/> nprocx = 12, nprocy = 6, <br/> idbg_level=2, <br/> lseaice=.FALSE., <br/> llake=.TRUE., <br/> llake_coldstart=.TRUE., <br/> /END <br/> &amp;GRID_IN <br/> pcontrol_fi = -1, <br/> ie_in_tot = 1280, <br/> je_in_tot = 640, <br/> ke_in_tot = 137, <br/> ke_soil_in= 3, <br/> czml_soil_in = 0.035,0.175,0.64,1.945, <br/> lushift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., lvshift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., <br/> pollat_in = 90.0, <br/> pollon_in = 180.0, <br/> startlat_in_tot = -89.78487, <br/> startlon_in_tot = -180, <br/> endlat_in_tot = 89.78487, <br/> endlon_in_tot = 179.7188, <br/> /END <br/> &amp;LMGRID <br/> ivctype = 2, <br/> irefatm = 2, <br/> ielm_tot = 511, jelm_tot = 466, kelm_tot = 40, <br/> pollat =  39.25, pollon = -162.0, polgam = 0, <br/> dlon = 0.11, dlat= 0.11, <br/> startlat_tot  = -27.06, startlon_tot  = -30.59, <br/> ke_soil_lm = 9, <br/> czml_soil_lm = 0.005,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.7,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.5, <br/> /END <br/> &amp;DATABASE <br/> / <br/> &amp;DATA <br/> yinput_type='analysis', <br/> ytunit_in='d', <br/> ytunit_out='d', <br/> ylmext_form_read='ncdf', <br/> yinext_form_read='ncdf', <br/> yin_form_read='ncdf', <br/> ylm_form_write='ncdf', <br/> ie_ext = 531, je_ext = 486, <br/> ylmext_lfn='', <br/> ylmext_cat='/home/b/b381564/new/DATA_CCLM/SPATE_4DAS/EXTPARAM/', <br/> yinext_lfn='', <br/> yinext_cat='/home/b/b381564/era5/2023_01/', <br/> yin_cat= '/home/b/b381564/era5/2023_01/', <br/> ylm_cat='/work/bb1064/from_Mistral/bb1064/b381564_hamouda/DATA_CCLM/CMIP6/Int2lm_output/ERA5/', <br/> nprocess_ini = 131, nprocess_bd = 132, <br/> /END <br/> &amp;PRICTR <br/> igp_tot = 36, <br/> jgp_tot = 30, <br/> lchkin=.TRUE., lchkout=.TRUE., <br/> /END </p>

  @mostafahamouda in #cc2c6e9

<p> &amp;CONTRL <br/> ydate_ini='2023010100', hstart=0, hstop=744, hincbound=1, <br/> yinput_model='CM', <br/> itype_aerosol = 2, <br/> itype_albedo = 2, <br/> itype_calendar = 0, <br/> itype_rootdp = 4, <br/> itype_t_cl = 1, <br/> itype_w_so_rel = 1, <br/> l_cressman = .FALSE., <br/> lbdclim = .TRUE., <br/> lboundaries =.TRUE., <br/> lfilter_oro=.FALSE., <br/> lforest = .TRUE., <br/> linitial=.TRUE., <br/> lmulti_layer_in = .TRUE., <br/> lmulti_layer_lm = .TRUE., <br/> lprog_qi = .TRUE., <br/> lreorder = .TRUE., <br/> lsso = .TRUE., <br/> ltime_mean = .TRUE., <br/> luse_t_skin = .TRUE., <br/> nincwait = 5, nmaxwait = 20, <br/> nprocx = 12, nprocy = 6, <br/> idbg_level=2, <br/> lseaice=.FALSE., <br/> llake=.TRUE., <br/> llake_coldstart=.TRUE., <br/> /END <br/> &amp;GRID_IN <br/> pcontrol_fi = -1, <br/> ie_in_tot = 1280, <br/> je_in_tot = 640, <br/> ke_in_tot = 137, <br/> ke_soil_in= 3, <br/> czml_soil_in = 0.035,0.175,0.64,1.945, <br/> lushift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., lvshift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., <br/> pollat_in = 90.0, <br/> pollon_in = 180.0, <br/> startlat_in_tot = -89.78487, <br/> startlon_in_tot = -180, <br/> endlat_in_tot = 89.78487, <br/> endlon_in_tot = 179.7188, <br/> /END <br/> &amp;LMGRID <br/> ivctype = 2, <br/> irefatm = 2, <br/> ielm_tot = 511, jelm_tot = 466, kelm_tot = 40, <br/> pollat =  39.25, pollon = -162.0, polgam = 0, <br/> dlon = 0.11, dlat= 0.11, <br/> startlat_tot  = -27.06, startlon_tot  = -30.59, <br/> ke_soil_lm = 9, <br/> czml_soil_lm = 0.005,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.7,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.5, <br/> /END <br/> &amp;DATABASE <br/> / <br/> &amp;DATA <br/> yinput_type='analysis', <br/> ytunit_in='d', <br/> ytunit_out='d', <br/> ylmext_form_read='ncdf', <br/> yinext_form_read='ncdf', <br/> yin_form_read='ncdf', <br/> ylm_form_write='ncdf', <br/> ie_ext = 531, je_ext = 486, <br/> ylmext_lfn='', <br/> ylmext_cat='/home/b/b381564/new/DATA_CCLM/SPATE_4DAS/EXTPARAM/', <br/> yinext_lfn='', <br/> yinext_cat='/home/b/b381564/era5/2023_01/', <br/> yin_cat= '/home/b/b381564/era5/2023_01/', <br/> ylm_cat='/work/bb1064/from_Mistral/bb1064/b381564_hamouda/DATA_CCLM/CMIP6/Int2lm_output/ERA5/', <br/> nprocess_ini = 131, nprocess_bd = 132, <br/> /END <br/> &amp;PRICTR <br/> igp_tot = 36, <br/> jgp_tot = 30, <br/> lchkin=.TRUE., lchkout=.TRUE., <br/> /END </p>

ydate_ini='2023010100', hstart=0, hstop=744, hincbound=1,
itype_aerosol = 2,
itype_albedo = 2,
itype_calendar = 0,
itype_rootdp = 4,
itype_t_cl = 1,
itype_w_so_rel = 1,
l_cressman = .FALSE.,
lbdclim = .TRUE.,
lboundaries =.TRUE.,
lforest = .TRUE.,
lmulti_layer_in = .TRUE.,
lmulti_layer_lm = .TRUE.,
lprog_qi = .TRUE.,
lreorder = .TRUE.,
lsso = .TRUE.,
ltime_mean = .TRUE.,
luse_t_skin = .TRUE.,
nincwait = 5, nmaxwait = 20,
nprocx = 12, nprocy = 6,
pcontrol_fi = -1,
ie_in_tot = 1280,
je_in_tot = 640,
ke_in_tot = 137,
ke_soil_in= 3,
czml_soil_in = 0.035,0.175,0.64,1.945,
lushift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., lvshift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE.,
pollat_in = 90.0,
pollon_in = 180.0,
startlat_in_tot = -89.78487,
startlon_in_tot = -180,
endlat_in_tot = 89.78487,
endlon_in_tot = 179.7188,
ivctype = 2,
irefatm = 2,
ielm_tot = 511, jelm_tot = 466, kelm_tot = 40,
pollat =  39.25, pollon = -162.0, polgam = 0,
dlon = 0.11, dlat= 0.11,
startlat_tot  = -27.06, startlon_tot  = -30.59,
ke_soil_lm = 9,
czml_soil_lm = 0.005,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.7,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.5,
ie_ext = 531, je_ext = 486,
yin_cat= '/home/b/b381564/era5/2023_01/',
nprocess_ini = 131, nprocess_bd = 132,
igp_tot = 36,
jgp_tot = 30,
lchkin=.TRUE., lchkout=.TRUE.,

<p> This namelist then produces lbfd with huge numbers for 3D vars. </p>

  @mostafahamouda in #e67f885

<p> This namelist then produces lbfd with huge numbers for 3D vars. </p>

This namelist then produces lbfd with huge numbers for 3D vars.