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I had a look at the source code and all problems seem to be at the same point.
inside ‘interp_utilities.f90’ inside the ‘ SUBROUTINE interp_q’
around line 740 we find this:
DO l2 = kilats, kilate DO l1 = kilons, kilone IF (lframe) THEN IF (.NOT. lmask_lm(l1,l2)) CYCLE ENDIF j1 = i_index(l1,l2) ! first input grid dimension !IF (j1 == -9999) CYCLE j2 = j_index(l1,l2) ! second input grid dimension !Find out which is the nearest input grid point IF (y_wght(l1,l2) > 0.5_ireals) THEN j4 = j2 + 2 ELSE j4 = j2 – 1 ENDIFthe last IF causes ‘j4’ to be greater than ‘je_in’ at the northpol and smaller than 1 at the southpol. (independent on procx, procy)
the field px doesn´t seem to be bothered and return some value from the memory instead of an error.
I changed it to
IF (y_wght(l1,l2) > 0.5_ireals) THEN j4 = j2 + 2 IF( j4 > je_in ) THEN j4 = je_in ENDIF ELSE j4 = j2 – 1 IF( j4 < 1 ) THEN j4 = 1 ENDIF ENDIFThis is a workaround for my antarctica domain. and “fixes” both(!) errors (at least superficially): the one at the south pole and the other processor-depentend artefact.
For the pacific domain that I uploaded/wrote, the vertical strips persist. It seems to be the same problem but in the other direction/dimension. Right below the IF-statment from above in the sourcecode the following values are used:
pxj1 = aeastnorth(x_wght(l1,l2), px(j1,j2), px(j1+1,j2), px(j1+2,j2))“j1+2” and “j1-1”
pxj1 = awestsouth(x_wght(l1,l2), px(j1,j2), px(j1+1,j2), px(j1-1,j2))and these are sometimes also less than 1 or greater than ‘ie_in’, when I run int2lm on multiple processors and ‘east_add_in’.
I suppose a similar workaround (changing “j1+2” and “j1-1” sometimes) would work here too, but I hope we can find and fix the real error behind it, which seems to be somewhere around splitting the field for many processors and using the “south/…/east_add_in”