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I think these are two different issues. The namelist&external parameter I uploaded/wrote are not over the poles but over the pacific (east of -160) and this error still occurs.
Even if I leave out the ‘south_add_in’ and use ONLY ‘east_add_in = 1’ the error persists.
On the other hand for my domain (antartica) the error can be distinguished by using 3 different ‘procx,procy’ setting.
In the picture (see different_errors.PNG) I marked in black circles the 3 different spots. I think What you meant was the bottom right error (at the southpole)
Yes this artifacts get “simulated away”, but plan I simulate only 30h or 36h (6h or 12h spinup) and would like to keep this errors low, so I guess at least for the final runs, I have to run them only on one processor?