ERA5 data from 1950-1978 for int2lm – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Hello Sven, </p> <p> as you know, there is no data at the <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> for periods before 1979: </p> <p> </p> <p> The data from the Copernicus web site do not cover the period before 1979. And it is very likely that only the <span class="caps"> MARS </span> archive is giving you access to all model levels you need. </p> <p> It is always a good idea to contact the <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> . You should ask the people at about their plans to handle the data before 1979. </p> <p> <strong> What I know is that there is at the moment no access at all to data before 1979 </strong> . This is what I got from <span class="caps"> ECMWF </span> : </p> <p> “Here we document the ERA5 dataset, which, eventually, will cover the period from January 1950 onwards. Complete ERA5 data released so far covers the period from 1979 and continues to be extended forward in near real time.” </p> <p> Bye, Ronny </p>

  @ronnypetrik in #02a506f

<p> Hello Sven, </p> <p> as you know, there is no data at the <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> for periods before 1979: </p> <p> </p> <p> The data from the Copernicus web site do not cover the period before 1979. And it is very likely that only the <span class="caps"> MARS </span> archive is giving you access to all model levels you need. </p> <p> It is always a good idea to contact the <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> . You should ask the people at about their plans to handle the data before 1979. </p> <p> <strong> What I know is that there is at the moment no access at all to data before 1979 </strong> . This is what I got from <span class="caps"> ECMWF </span> : </p> <p> “Here we document the ERA5 dataset, which, eventually, will cover the period from January 1950 onwards. Complete ERA5 data released so far covers the period from 1979 and continues to be extended forward in near real time.” </p> <p> Bye, Ronny </p>

Hello Sven,

as you know, there is no data at the DKRZ for periods before 1979:

The data from the Copernicus web site do not cover the period before 1979. And it is very likely that only the MARS archive is giving you access to all model levels you need.

It is always a good idea to contact the DKRZ . You should ask the people at about their plans to handle the data before 1979.

What I know is that there is at the moment no access at all to data before 1979 . This is what I got from ECMWF :

“Here we document the ERA5 dataset, which, eventually, will cover the period from January 1950 onwards. Complete ERA5 data released so far covers the period from 1979 and continues to be extended forward in near real time.”

Bye, Ronny