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No soil data from EC-EARTH INT2LM Input Data @DKRZ?
Dear colleagues,
I’m trying to run CCLM with EC- EARTH input over CORDEX East Asia region.
The EC- EARTH data is from DKRZ ’s server under directory /hpss/arch/ik0555/cordex/EC-EARTH
but there are no soil temperature nor soil moisture data in the caf*.nc files.
Do I need to obtain them from somewhere else?
Best regards,
Dear Weidan,
for EC- EARTH no soil temperature and soil moisture data had been available when we prepared, about 3 years ago, these GCM data as forcing for CCLM .
However, INT2LM is able to work with this situation.
As far as I understood (the INT2LM experts might correct) the T_SO profile is interpolated between the surface temperature T_S, respectively T_SKIN,
and the climate temperature T_CL, which defines the lower boundary condition in the deepest soil layer.
T_CL is provided by the external data set, the depths of the soil level have to be defined by yourself via the Namelist.
For the soil moisture W_SO you have to define an artificial profile, also via the Namelist.
The default value for each soil layer is 0.75 (75%).
Of course, the facts that the soil data are missing in EC- EARTH and that W_SO is defined artificially, require a spin-up for CCLM .
I recommend at least three years as spin-up time.
Subsequently you find the INT2LM Namelist settings that we used for our CORDEX Africa simulations, driven by EC- EARTH .
But, please, be aware, that these definitions are valid for INT2LM Version 1.9.
If you use a more recent version there might be changes for the Namelists, especially with respect to the names of some Namelist parameters.
The parameters which are most important for the EC- EARTH case are:
in group CONTRL
lmulti_layer_in, lmulti_layer_lm
itype_w_so_rel, itype_t_cl,luse_t_skin
You must not change their seetings. I recommend also to define all other parameters of this group as shown below.
in group LMGRID
ke_soil_lm: no. of soil layers
czml_soil_lm: depth defining the mid-level of each layer;you have to define one value more than no. of layers (ke_soil_lm)
czvw_so_lm: artifical initial profile of W_SO; you have to define one value more than no. of layers (ke_soil_lm)
These three parameters must be defined with respect to your needs.
&CONTRL ydate_ini= “${date}”, hstart=0, hstop= ${hhour}.0, hincbound= ${hincbound}, linitial=.TRUE., lboundaries =.TRUE., lfilter_oro=.TRUE., l_cressman = .TRUE., l_bicub_spl = .FALSE., lbdclim = .TRUE., lcm2lm = .TRUE., lgme2lm = .FALSE., ltime_mean = .TRUE., luvcor = .TRUE., lreorder = .TRUE., lmulti_layer_in = .TRUE., lmulti_layer_lm = .TRUE., itype_w_so_rel = 0, itype_t_cl = 1, itype_rootdp = 4, itype_calendar=0, lprog_qi = .TRUE., lforest = .TRUE., llake = .FALSE., ! llbc_smooth=.TRUE., ! nlbc_smooth = 8, lsso = .TRUE. nprocx = ${nprocx_prep}, nprocy = ${nprocy_prep}, nincwait = 5, nmaxwait = 20, luse_t_skin = .TRUE., idbg_level = 2, itype_ndvi = 2, /END # EC- EARTH T159 L62 grid &GRID_IN ie_in_tot = 320, je_in_tot = 160, ke_in_tot = 62, startlat_in_tot = -89.1415176, startlon_in_tot = -180.0, endlat_in_tot = 89.1415176, endlon_in_tot = 178.875, pollat_in = 90.00, pollon_in = 180.0, lushift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., lvshift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., /END # COSMO - CLM grid &LMGRID irefatm = 2, t0sl=288.15, h_scal=10000.00,delta_t=75., ielm_tot=214, jelm_tot=221, kelm_tot=35, startlat_tot = -50.16, startlon_tot = -29.04, pollat = 90., pollon = 180., dlon=0.44, dlat=0.44, ke_soil_lm=9, czml_soil_lm = 0.005, 0.025, 0.07, 0.16, 0.34, 0.7, 1.42, 2.86, 5.74, 11.5, czvw_so_lm=0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75, ivctype=2, vcflat=11000.00, vcoord_d = 30000.00, 27800.00, 25710.00, 23730.00, 21860.00, 20090.00, 18420.00, 16840.00, 15360.00, 13970.00, 12670.00, 11450.00, 10320.00, 9260.00, 8280.00, 7370.00, 6540.00, 5770.00, 5060.00, 4420.00, 3830.00, 3300.00, 2820.00, 2390.00, 2010.00, 1670.00, 1370.00, 1110.00, 880.00, 690.00, 520.00, 370.00, 250.00, 150.00, 70.00, 0.00, /END &DATABASE / # # PEP and coarse grid forcing data &DATA ie_ext = 250, je_ext = 241, ylmext_lfn = “${ylmext_lfn}”, ylmext_cat = “${inpdir}/${atmmod}”, yinext_lfn = “${yinext_lfn}”, yinext_cat = “${inpdir}/${atmmod}”, yin_cat = “./”, yinput_type = ‘analysis’, ytunit_in = ‘d’, ytunit_out = ‘d’, ylm_cat = “${inpdir}/${atmmod}”, yinext_form_read = “${yinext_form_read}”, ylmext_form_read = ‘ncdf’, yin_form_read = “${yin_form_read}”, ylm_form_write = ‘ncdf’, nprocess_ini = 131, nprocess_bd = 132, / &PRICTR igp_tot = 36, jgp_tot = 30, lchkin=.TRUE., lchkout=.TRUE., /END &EPSCTL /Be aware again: this is the setting for CORDEX Africa and the INT2LM version we used was Version 1.9