wrong grid for LM external parameters for ERA5 – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> I am trying to downscale ERA5 cas files using cosmo. I run into an error using int2lm_2_clm4, I tried the suggestions posted in the forum (such as changing startlon_tot by 0.001) but it still didn’t work. I made sure that <span class="caps"> EXTPAR </span> domain is larger than my requeted LMout. I hope you can help me. <br/> Thank you very much. </p> <p> Input namelist: <br/> <pre><code class="text"></code></pre> </p> <p> &amp;GRID_IN pcontrol_fi = 30000., ie_in_tot = 544, je_in_tot = 224, ke_in_tot = 98, ke_soil_in= 3, czml_soil_in = 0.035,0.175,0.64,1.945, lushift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., lvshift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., pollat_in = 90.0, pollon_in = 180.0, startlat_in_tot = 19.25058, startlon_in_tot = -68.90625, endlat_in_tot = 81.920, endlon_in_tot = 83.812, <br/> /END <br/> &amp;LMGRID ivctype = 2, irefatm = 2, ielm_tot = 300, jelm_tot = 230, kelm_tot = 40, pollat = 39.25, pollon = -162.0, polgam = 0, dlon = 0.11, dlat= 0.11, startlat_tot = -17.00, startlon_tot = -20.00, ke_soil_lm = 9, czml_soil_lm = 0.005,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.7,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.5, /END &amp;DATABASE / &amp;DATA yinput_type=‘analysis’, ytunit_in=‘d’, ytunit_out=‘d’, ylmext_form_read=‘ncdf’, yinext_form_read=‘ncdf’, yin_form_read=‘ncdf’, ylm_form_write=‘ncdf’, ie_ext = 480, je_ext = 380, ylmext_lfn=‘era5_newest.nc’, ylmext_cat=’${EXPAR_DIR}’, yinext_lfn=‘cas${YDATE_INI}.nc’, yinext_cat=’${INPUT_DIR}’, yin_cat= ‘${INPUT_DIR}’, ylm_cat=’${OUTPUT_DIR}’, nprocess_ini = 131, nprocess_bd = 132, /END </p> <p> </p> <p> outputlog: <br/> <pre><code class="text"></code></pre> </p> 0: <span class="caps"> OPEN </span> : ncdf-file: 0: /pf/b/b381564/work/DATA_CCLM/SPATE_4DAS/EXTPARAM/era5_newest.nc 0: external data file namelist input 0: ie_ext 480 480 0: je_ext 380 380 0: lonll -30.0000000000000 -20.0000000000000 0: latll -27.0000000000000 -17.0000000000000 0: lonur 22.6900005340576 12.8900000000000 0: latur 14.6899995803833 8.19000000000000 0: dlon 0.110000001114943 0.110000000000000 0: dlat 0.109999998892832 0.110000000000000 0: pollat 39.2500000000000 39.2500000000000 0: pollon -162.000000000000 -162.000000000000 0: polgam 0.000000000000000E+000 0.000000000000000E+000 0: wrong grid for LM external parameters 0: <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> 0: * <span class="caps"> PROGRAM </span> <span class="caps"> TERMINATED </span> <span class="caps"> BECAUSE </span> OF <span class="caps"> ERRORS </span> DETECTED 0: * IN <span class="caps"> ROUTINE </span> : int2lm_org 0: * 0: * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> is 2 0: * Error in read_nc_gdefs_ext_lm 0: <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> <p> </p> <p> My <span class="caps"> EXTPAR </span> report from WebPEP: </p> <p> <pre><code class="text"><br/> Model version = <span class="caps">EXTPAR</span>-5.2.1</code></pre> </p> <p> pollon=-162 <br/> pollat=39.25 <br/> polgam=0 <br/> ie_tot=480 <br/> je_tot=380 <br/> startlon_tot=-30 <br/> startlat_tot=-27 <br/> dlon=0.11 <br/> dlat=0.11 <br/> oro=1 <br/> orofilter=0 <br/> sgsl=0 <br/> landuse=1 <br/> soil=1 <br/> tcl=1 <br/> aot=1 <br/> albedo=2 <br/> urban=0 </p> <p> </p>

  @mostafahamouda in #86ea84c

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> I am trying to downscale ERA5 cas files using cosmo. I run into an error using int2lm_2_clm4, I tried the suggestions posted in the forum (such as changing startlon_tot by 0.001) but it still didn’t work. I made sure that <span class="caps"> EXTPAR </span> domain is larger than my requeted LMout. I hope you can help me. <br/> Thank you very much. </p> <p> Input namelist: <br/> <pre><code class="text"></code></pre> </p> <p> &amp;GRID_IN pcontrol_fi = 30000., ie_in_tot = 544, je_in_tot = 224, ke_in_tot = 98, ke_soil_in= 3, czml_soil_in = 0.035,0.175,0.64,1.945, lushift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., lvshift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., pollat_in = 90.0, pollon_in = 180.0, startlat_in_tot = 19.25058, startlon_in_tot = -68.90625, endlat_in_tot = 81.920, endlon_in_tot = 83.812, <br/> /END <br/> &amp;LMGRID ivctype = 2, irefatm = 2, ielm_tot = 300, jelm_tot = 230, kelm_tot = 40, pollat = 39.25, pollon = -162.0, polgam = 0, dlon = 0.11, dlat= 0.11, startlat_tot = -17.00, startlon_tot = -20.00, ke_soil_lm = 9, czml_soil_lm = 0.005,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.7,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.5, /END &amp;DATABASE / &amp;DATA yinput_type=‘analysis’, ytunit_in=‘d’, ytunit_out=‘d’, ylmext_form_read=‘ncdf’, yinext_form_read=‘ncdf’, yin_form_read=‘ncdf’, ylm_form_write=‘ncdf’, ie_ext = 480, je_ext = 380, ylmext_lfn=‘era5_newest.nc’, ylmext_cat=’${EXPAR_DIR}’, yinext_lfn=‘cas${YDATE_INI}.nc’, yinext_cat=’${INPUT_DIR}’, yin_cat= ‘${INPUT_DIR}’, ylm_cat=’${OUTPUT_DIR}’, nprocess_ini = 131, nprocess_bd = 132, /END </p> <p> </p> <p> outputlog: <br/> <pre><code class="text"></code></pre> </p> 0: <span class="caps"> OPEN </span> : ncdf-file: 0: /pf/b/b381564/work/DATA_CCLM/SPATE_4DAS/EXTPARAM/era5_newest.nc 0: external data file namelist input 0: ie_ext 480 480 0: je_ext 380 380 0: lonll -30.0000000000000 -20.0000000000000 0: latll -27.0000000000000 -17.0000000000000 0: lonur 22.6900005340576 12.8900000000000 0: latur 14.6899995803833 8.19000000000000 0: dlon 0.110000001114943 0.110000000000000 0: dlat 0.109999998892832 0.110000000000000 0: pollat 39.2500000000000 39.2500000000000 0: pollon -162.000000000000 -162.000000000000 0: polgam 0.000000000000000E+000 0.000000000000000E+000 0: wrong grid for LM external parameters 0: <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> 0: * <span class="caps"> PROGRAM </span> <span class="caps"> TERMINATED </span> <span class="caps"> BECAUSE </span> OF <span class="caps"> ERRORS </span> DETECTED 0: * IN <span class="caps"> ROUTINE </span> : int2lm_org 0: * 0: * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> is 2 0: * Error in read_nc_gdefs_ext_lm 0: <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> <p> </p> <p> My <span class="caps"> EXTPAR </span> report from WebPEP: </p> <p> <pre><code class="text"><br/> Model version = <span class="caps">EXTPAR</span>-5.2.1</code></pre> </p> <p> pollon=-162 <br/> pollat=39.25 <br/> polgam=0 <br/> ie_tot=480 <br/> je_tot=380 <br/> startlon_tot=-30 <br/> startlat_tot=-27 <br/> dlon=0.11 <br/> dlat=0.11 <br/> oro=1 <br/> orofilter=0 <br/> sgsl=0 <br/> landuse=1 <br/> soil=1 <br/> tcl=1 <br/> aot=1 <br/> albedo=2 <br/> urban=0 </p> <p> </p>

wrong grid for LM external parameters for ERA5

Dear all,

I am trying to downscale ERA5 cas files using cosmo. I run into an error using int2lm_2_clm4, I tried the suggestions posted in the forum (such as changing startlon_tot by 0.001) but it still didn’t work. I made sure that EXTPAR domain is larger than my requeted LMout. I hope you can help me.
Thank you very much.

Input namelist:

&GRID_IN pcontrol_fi = 30000., ie_in_tot = 544, je_in_tot = 224, ke_in_tot = 98, ke_soil_in= 3, czml_soil_in = 0.035,0.175,0.64,1.945, lushift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., lvshift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., pollat_in = 90.0, pollon_in = 180.0, startlat_in_tot = 19.25058, startlon_in_tot = -68.90625, endlat_in_tot = 81.920, endlon_in_tot = 83.812,
&LMGRID ivctype = 2, irefatm = 2, ielm_tot = 300, jelm_tot = 230, kelm_tot = 40, pollat = 39.25, pollon = -162.0, polgam = 0, dlon = 0.11, dlat= 0.11, startlat_tot = -17.00, startlon_tot = -20.00, ke_soil_lm = 9, czml_soil_lm = 0.005,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.7,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.5, /END &DATABASE / &DATA yinput_type=‘analysis’, ytunit_in=‘d’, ytunit_out=‘d’, ylmext_form_read=‘ncdf’, yinext_form_read=‘ncdf’, yin_form_read=‘ncdf’, ylm_form_write=‘ncdf’, ie_ext = 480, je_ext = 380, ylmext_lfn=‘era5_newest.nc’, ylmext_cat=’${EXPAR_DIR}’, yinext_lfn=‘cas${YDATE_INI}.nc’, yinext_cat=’${INPUT_DIR}’, yin_cat= ‘${INPUT_DIR}’, ylm_cat=’${OUTPUT_DIR}’, nprocess_ini = 131, nprocess_bd = 132, /END


0: OPEN : ncdf-file: 0: /pf/b/b381564/work/DATA_CCLM/SPATE_4DAS/EXTPARAM/era5_newest.nc 0: external data file namelist input 0: ie_ext 480 480 0: je_ext 380 380 0: lonll -30.0000000000000 -20.0000000000000 0: latll -27.0000000000000 -17.0000000000000 0: lonur 22.6900005340576 12.8900000000000 0: latur 14.6899995803833 8.19000000000000 0: dlon 0.110000001114943 0.110000000000000 0: dlat 0.109999998892832 0.110000000000000 0: pollat 39.2500000000000 39.2500000000000 0: pollon -162.000000000000 -162.000000000000 0: polgam 0.000000000000000E+000 0.000000000000000E+000 0: wrong grid for LM external parameters 0: —————————————————————————————— 0: * PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED 0: * IN ROUTINE : int2lm_org 0: * 0: * ERROR CODE is 2 0: * Error in read_nc_gdefs_ext_lm 0: ——————————————————————————————

My EXTPAR report from WebPEP:

Model version = EXTPAR-5.2.1


View in channel
<p> The grid you defined in <span class="caps"> LMGRID </span> is within the area of the external data set and has the same grid mesh size, however, the nots of the <span class="caps"> LMGRID </span> are shifted relativ to the external data set grid nots. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #a06b6a2

<p> The grid you defined in <span class="caps"> LMGRID </span> is within the area of the external data set and has the same grid mesh size, however, the nots of the <span class="caps"> LMGRID </span> are shifted relativ to the external data set grid nots. </p>

The grid you defined in LMGRID is within the area of the external data set and has the same grid mesh size, however, the nots of the LMGRID are shifted relativ to the external data set grid nots.

<pre> startlat_tot = -16.99, startlon_tot = -19.99, </pre> <p> may work </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #83c95d7

<pre> startlat_tot = -16.99, startlon_tot = -19.99, </pre> <p> may work </p>
startlat_tot  = -16.99, startlon_tot  = -19.99,

may work

<p> It worked! <br/> Thank you for your help </p>

  @mostafahamouda in #114f5fb

<p> It worked! <br/> Thank you for your help </p>

It worked!
Thank you for your help