Not all data available – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> The <span class="caps"> CFSR </span> data are on pressure levels and not on hybrid pressure-sigma levels which is used as default by INT2LM for interpolation. Therefore the data are interpolated to hybrid-pressure first (see subroutine src_pressure_to_hybrid.f90). The interpolation is triggered by the namelist parameter ke_hybrid. ke_hybrid can only take two values 31 and 38 presently. In the case of <span class="caps"> CFSR </span> you need to set ke_hybrid=38 in the <span class="caps"> GRID </span> _IN part of the namelist (see example below). <br/> Please also set the following in the <span class="caps"> CONTRL </span> of the namelist lprog_qi = .FALSE., luse_t_skin = .TRUE., </p> <pre> &amp;GRID_IN pcontrol_fi =30000., ie_in_tot = 720, je_in_tot = 361, ke_in_tot = 36, ke_hybrid=38, startlat_in_tot = -90., startlon_in_tot = -180., endlat_in_tot = 90., endlon_in_tot = 179.5, pollat_in = 90.0, pollon_in = 180.0, lushift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., lvshift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., ke_soil_in=3, czml_soil_in=0.05, 0.25, 0.7, 1.5, /END </pre>

  @burkhardtrockel in #8614fa7

<p> The <span class="caps"> CFSR </span> data are on pressure levels and not on hybrid pressure-sigma levels which is used as default by INT2LM for interpolation. Therefore the data are interpolated to hybrid-pressure first (see subroutine src_pressure_to_hybrid.f90). The interpolation is triggered by the namelist parameter ke_hybrid. ke_hybrid can only take two values 31 and 38 presently. In the case of <span class="caps"> CFSR </span> you need to set ke_hybrid=38 in the <span class="caps"> GRID </span> _IN part of the namelist (see example below). <br/> Please also set the following in the <span class="caps"> CONTRL </span> of the namelist lprog_qi = .FALSE., luse_t_skin = .TRUE., </p> <pre> &amp;GRID_IN pcontrol_fi =30000., ie_in_tot = 720, je_in_tot = 361, ke_in_tot = 36, ke_hybrid=38, startlat_in_tot = -90., startlon_in_tot = -180., endlat_in_tot = 90., endlon_in_tot = 179.5, pollat_in = 90.0, pollon_in = 180.0, lushift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., lvshift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., ke_soil_in=3, czml_soil_in=0.05, 0.25, 0.7, 1.5, /END </pre>

The CFSR data are on pressure levels and not on hybrid pressure-sigma levels which is used as default by INT2LM for interpolation. Therefore the data are interpolated to hybrid-pressure first (see subroutine src_pressure_to_hybrid.f90). The interpolation is triggered by the namelist parameter ke_hybrid. ke_hybrid can only take two values 31 and 38 presently. In the case of CFSR you need to set ke_hybrid=38 in the GRID _IN part of the namelist (see example below).
Please also set the following in the CONTRL of the namelist lprog_qi = .FALSE., luse_t_skin = .TRUE.,

  pcontrol_fi =30000., 
  ie_in_tot = 720, je_in_tot = 361, ke_in_tot = 36, ke_hybrid=38,
  startlat_in_tot = -90., startlon_in_tot = -180.,
  endlat_in_tot = 90., endlon_in_tot = 179.5,
  pollat_in = 90.0, pollon_in = 180.0,
  lushift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., lvshift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE.,
  czml_soil_in=0.05, 0.25, 0.7, 1.5,