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INT2LM error at vert_interp / tautsp2D
I try to start an INT2LM run with MIROC5 0.11° data for historical time period (1970-2000). I use the int2lm_131101_2.00_clm4 Version for downscaling to 0.025° grid resolution. However, the run stops when doing the vertical interpolation (vert_interp) with splines (which is done in tautsp/tautsp2D). It gives the following error messages:
—————————————————————————————— Point 117 3 and the following 0.908085E+02 0.747147E+02 are in the wrong order! * PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED * ERROR CODE is 2 *** ERROR in tautsp2D: while processing j-index: 1 * IN ROUTINE : vert_interp Point 117 3 and the following 0.588000E+03 0.277210E+03 are in the wrong order! * * IN ROUTINE : vert_interp * *** ERROR in tautsp2D: while processing j-index: 1 —————————————————————————————— * ERROR CODE is 2 *** ERROR in tautsp2D: while processing j-index: 1 * ERROR CODE is 2 * Error in tautsp —————————————————————————————— * PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED * * PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED * ERROR CODE is 2 * IN ROUTINE : vert_interp * Error in tautsp * IN ROUTINE : vert_interp * ——————————————————————————————
Does anybody have an idea, what’s going on? I have been downscaling the same MIROC5-data a few years ago with an older version of INT2LM (version 1.19) and that was doing well. Thanks in advance!
Best regards,