problem with INT2LM for EURO-CORDEX domain – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> It seems that your domain crosses the North Pole. The <span class="caps"> ECMWF </span> data end at 89.4628219604492 North and 179.296875000000 East. In order to fill the “gap” to 90 North and 180 East you need to set in namelist <code> GRID_IN </code> : </p> <p> <code> north_add_in=1, east_add_in=1, </code> </p> <p> This internally copies the 180 West values to an additional column 180 East and the 89.4628219604492 North values to an additional pseudo row 90+(90-89.4628219604492) North. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #4d60a8e

<p> It seems that your domain crosses the North Pole. The <span class="caps"> ECMWF </span> data end at 89.4628219604492 North and 179.296875000000 East. In order to fill the “gap” to 90 North and 180 East you need to set in namelist <code> GRID_IN </code> : </p> <p> <code> north_add_in=1, east_add_in=1, </code> </p> <p> This internally copies the 180 West values to an additional column 180 East and the 89.4628219604492 North values to an additional pseudo row 90+(90-89.4628219604492) North. </p>

It seems that your domain crosses the North Pole. The ECMWF data end at 89.4628219604492 North and 179.296875000000 East. In order to fill the “gap” to 90 North and 180 East you need to set in namelist GRID_IN :

north_add_in=1, east_add_in=1,

This internally copies the 180 West values to an additional column 180 East and the 89.4628219604492 North values to an additional pseudo row 90+(90-89.4628219604492) North.