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Convert ERA-INTERIM pressure level(37levels) data to hybrid coordinate
Dear CLM community members,
I am Lee Donghyun at POSTECH , South Korea, and our team are involved in CORDEX East ASIA Phase 2 Project.
Under this project, not only our team but also other teams are involved in,
we use same background forcing data for simulating with different RCM s ( CLM , RegCM, WRF , MM5).
This year, our shared data is ERA - INTERIM with around 0.70 resolution (n128 gausian grid).
Here is the problem, since the shared data has pressure vertical coordinate(37 levels),
I need to convert this level datas to hybrid coordiante appropriately before run INT2LM.
In order to find ak/bk for 38 levels,
I follow the exact same numbers from ERA - INTERIM report (attached file 1, page 8 to 9),
but I do not sure this convertion is right without any pre-vertical integration between 37 pressure levels to matched 37 model levels.
(Example, 1000hPa in pressure level, but matched level in model hybrid level is 998.39, with ak and bk. Do I interpolate 1000hPa data to 998.39, before runs INT2LM? )
After giving ak/bk values, ERA - INTERIM files are working in INT2LM.
So, what I still wonder is did I make the right ak/bk value for pressure level data conversion.
(attached file 2, cdl file which I used in ncgen for applying ak/bk values)
Thank you for your attention.
Best wishes,
Lee Donghyun
Dear Donghyun,
ERA -Interim reanalyses are already pre-processed into a format that we call “INT2LM-ready”.
That means that you can use these data as input for INT2LM.
The data are available for CLM -Community members as NetCDF 4 compressed files from the computing system “ BLIZZARD ” at DKRZ in Hamburg.
If you have an account on that system try to go to
From there you can copy the data to your system by using “scp”.
Please, read the “ README ” file, it contains important information.
If you don’t have an account on “ BLIZZARD ”, please contact Burkhardt Rockel, E-Mail: burkhardt.rockel@hzg.de
Best regards
Dear Hans-Juergen,
Thank you for advice, I will make an account on :BLIZZARD as soon as possible.
This year we plan to use ERA , so it would be fine if the BLIZZARD ERA data is equal to shared ERA among CORDEX EA team.
However, for next year, we plan to use GCM which is less likely to exist on BLIZZARD server.
Since our East ASIA project team have agreement that use same shared GCM data for simulation in different RCM s, I hope that I can convert shared GCM appropriately for CLM simulation.
Best reagrds
Lee Donghyun
Dear Dong Hyun,
would you please send me your e-Mail address.
I tried donghyunlee@postech.ac.kr
but it failed.
my E-Mail: hans-juergen.panitz@kit.edu