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Question about int2lm_org using EXTPAR for external boundaries
Dear colleagues,
i am trying to run INT2LM but an Error occurred in the name list CONTRL and i don’t see where the problem is. I am using EXTPAR on the CLM -Community wep page for generating the external files. So i have an annual cycle in the leaf area index and plant cover as well. For landuse i am using ECOCLIMAP . To define the annual cycle in those variables i choose the annual cycle in type_rootdp and type_ndvi. But the problems still remain.
I’ve attached the name list configurations and the error message i get.
Thank you very much for your help.
Which INT2LM version do you use?
I am using int2lm_1.10.
The problem is the parameter itype_albedo in CONTRL .
This parameter does not yet exist in IN2LM version 1.10.
If you want to you INT2LM_1.10 you have to
- run INT2LM without the itype_albedo parameter
- extract ALB _RAD and ALB _SAT from your ext. dataset and adapt them to you model domain
- include them by hand into the laf-file (only there) using NCO command ncks -C -A -v …..
Or use a more recent INT2LM version which is able to treat this kind of albedo