Cemre Yürük in #10: INT2LM on January 24 (#f4ad58a)

in #10: INT2LM

<p> <strong> Wrong size of the processor-grid for nproc </strong> </p> <p> Dear all, </p> <p> I have successfully installed last version (v5) of cclm starter package. However, when I am trying to run the test examples, my job crashes in int2lm script. I found the lines including NP_INT2LM and NODES_INT2LM in the subchain which could be relavent with following error, and I have tried several combinations of NPX_INT2LM, NPY_INT2LM and NTASKS_PER_NODE but I am still getting the same error. The int2lm runs if and only if I set the NPX_INT2LM and NPY_INT2LM to 1 which means it runs without parallelizing. Could this error be originating from the source code of int2lm? Could anyone provide assistance on resolving this issue? </p> <p> Many thanks in advance, </p> <p> Cemre </p> <p> *------------------------------------------------------------* </p> <p> 2:  *    PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED </p> <p> 2:  *              IN ROUTINE:   int2lm_org </p> <p> 2:  * </p> <p> 2:  *    ERROR CODE is         1002 </p> <p> 2:  *     ERROR    *** Wrong values occured in NAMELIST input *** </p> <p> 2:  *------------------------------------------------------------* </p> <p> 2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- </p> <p> 2: MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD </p> <p> 2: with errorcode 1002. </p> <p> 2: NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes. </p> <p> 2: You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on </p> <p> 2: exactly when Open MPI kills them. </p> <p> 2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- </p> <p> 11:    SETUP OF INT2LM </p> <p> 11:      INITIALIZATIONS </p> <p> 11:         Info about KIND-parameters:   i4        / MPI_INT =            4           7 </p> <p> 11:                                       int_ga    / MPI_INT =            4           7 </p> <p> 11:      INPUT OF THE NAMELISTS </p> <p> 11:   *** NOTE: Old 10 digit date format is used for output files of INT2LM </p> <p> 11:   ERROR    *** Wrong size of the processor-grid for nproc *** </p> <p> 11:            ***            7  *            4  +            0  /=            1 </p> <p> 11:    *** specifications of input soil main levels *** </p>

  @cemreyürük in #f4ad58a

<p> <strong> Wrong size of the processor-grid for nproc </strong> </p> <p> Dear all, </p> <p> I have successfully installed last version (v5) of cclm starter package. However, when I am trying to run the test examples, my job crashes in int2lm script. I found the lines including NP_INT2LM and NODES_INT2LM in the subchain which could be relavent with following error, and I have tried several combinations of NPX_INT2LM, NPY_INT2LM and NTASKS_PER_NODE but I am still getting the same error. The int2lm runs if and only if I set the NPX_INT2LM and NPY_INT2LM to 1 which means it runs without parallelizing. Could this error be originating from the source code of int2lm? Could anyone provide assistance on resolving this issue? </p> <p> Many thanks in advance, </p> <p> Cemre </p> <p> *------------------------------------------------------------* </p> <p> 2:  *    PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED </p> <p> 2:  *              IN ROUTINE:   int2lm_org </p> <p> 2:  * </p> <p> 2:  *    ERROR CODE is         1002 </p> <p> 2:  *     ERROR    *** Wrong values occured in NAMELIST input *** </p> <p> 2:  *------------------------------------------------------------* </p> <p> 2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- </p> <p> 2: MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD </p> <p> 2: with errorcode 1002. </p> <p> 2: NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes. </p> <p> 2: You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on </p> <p> 2: exactly when Open MPI kills them. </p> <p> 2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- </p> <p> 11:    SETUP OF INT2LM </p> <p> 11:      INITIALIZATIONS </p> <p> 11:         Info about KIND-parameters:   i4        / MPI_INT =            4           7 </p> <p> 11:                                       int_ga    / MPI_INT =            4           7 </p> <p> 11:      INPUT OF THE NAMELISTS </p> <p> 11:   *** NOTE: Old 10 digit date format is used for output files of INT2LM </p> <p> 11:   ERROR    *** Wrong size of the processor-grid for nproc *** </p> <p> 11:            ***            7  *            4  +            0  /=            1 </p> <p> 11:    *** specifications of input soil main levels *** </p>

Wrong size of the processor-grid for nproc

Dear all,

I have successfully installed last version (v5) of cclm starter package. However, when I am trying to run the test examples, my job crashes in int2lm script. I found the lines including NP_INT2LM and NODES_INT2LM in the subchain which could be relavent with following error, and I have tried several combinations of NPX_INT2LM, NPY_INT2LM and NTASKS_PER_NODE but I am still getting the same error. The int2lm runs if and only if I set the NPX_INT2LM and NPY_INT2LM to 1 which means it runs without parallelizing. Could this error be originating from the source code of int2lm? Could anyone provide assistance on resolving this issue?

Many thanks in advance,




2:  *              IN ROUTINE:   int2lm_org

2:  *

2:  *    ERROR CODE is         1002

2:  *     ERROR    *** Wrong values occured in NAMELIST input ***

2:  *------------------------------------------------------------*

2: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

2: MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD

2: with errorcode 1002.

2: NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.

2: You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on

2: exactly when Open MPI kills them.

2: --------------------------------------------------------------------------



11:         Info about KIND-parameters:   i4        / MPI_INT =            4           7

11:                                       int_ga    / MPI_INT =            4           7


11:   *** NOTE: Old 10 digit date format is used for output files of INT2LM

11:   ERROR    *** Wrong size of the processor-grid for nproc ***

11:            ***            7  *            4  +            0  /=            1

11:    *** specifications of input soil main levels ***

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