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Dear Burkhardt and colleagues, I have tested different versions of int2lm for this case. I have established that versions int2lm_2.05 and below (int2lm_2.04) compiled successfully, however it crashed during run with the abovementioned error (Climate grid decomposition failed). Higher int2lm versions (2.07, 2.08 and 2.09) have not been compiled because of similar errors provided in the make_err file attached in my previous post:
/home/vplatonov/COSMO- CLM /int2lm-int2lm-2.09/src/utilities.f90(252): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [DATA_CONSTANTS]
USE data_constants , ONLY : &
/home/vplatonov/COSMO- CLM /int2lm-int2lm-2.09/src/utilities.f90(253): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist. [REPSILON] repsilon
/home/vplatonov/COSMO- CLM /int2lm-int2lm-2.09/src/utilities.f90(3629): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [REPSILON] IF( ABS ) < repsilon) THEN
/home/vplatonov/COSMO- CLM /int2lm-int2lm-2.09/src/utilities.f90(3655): error #6363: The intrinsic data types of the arguments must be the same. [MAX] (1.0_wp- ALPHA _VEC(i))/ MAX ,repsilon)
/home/vplatonov/COSMO- CLM /int2lm-int2lm-2.09/src/utilities.f90(4242): error #6363: The intrinsic data types of the arguments must be the same. [MAX] (1.0_wp- ALPHA _VEC(i,j))/ MAX ,repsilon)
I have tried different Fortran (intel/15.0.3, intel/2019.5) and OpenMPI (openmpi/1.8.4-icc, openmpi/4.1.0-icc) compiler versions without any changes for these last int2lm versions. Therefore, I have two points of possible errors elimination, the 1st one is any adoptations of run script for earlier versions associated with north_add_in=1,east_add_in=1, namelist; the 2nd one is to adopt compiling or to edit somehow the utilities.f90 file in the int2lm code for the latest versions.
I would be grateful for any hints in this case!