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land cover changes in COSMO-CLM
Dear all,
My research group wants to set up new simulations by changing existing land cover (e.g., deforestation experiment: forest->bare area). We therefore need to change the external file variables. Our approach is to take the parameters of a grid with “bare area” (fraction > 0.9) and use them to replace the parameters of the forested land class in the grids where forest is dominant. We identified the following parameters connected to land cover to be changed:
var2 = (/“ PLCOV _MN”,“ PLCOV _MX”,“ LAI _MN”,“ LAI _MX”, “ FOR _E”, \ “ FOR _D”, “ PLCOV _MN”, “ PLCOV _MX”, \ “Z0”,“ ROOTDP ”,“ NDVI _MAX”,“ NDVI ”,“LU_CLASS_FRACTION”/)
Is it correct? Does anyone have any suggestion or comment on it? Thank you very much.
My first guess for bare soil would be as follows (the soil experts may correct me):
Hi Burkhardt,
thank you very much for your suggestion.
Firstly, I followed the CORDEX -EU settings. The land cover dataset is from GLC2000. Because I found that the new version of COSMO has not joined the CORDEX -EU. Then, our findings can contribute to the CORDEX -EU project.
Then, I found that for bare land grid (e.g., Sahara desert),
PLCOV_MN = 0.02
PLCOV_MX = 0.05
LAI_MN = 0.4
LAI_MX = 0.6
Z0 ~= 0.05
EMIS_RAD = 0.95
RSMIN = 150
FOR_D = 0
FOR_E = 0
ROOTDP = 0.3
NDVI_MAX = 0.11~0.13
NDVI = 0.11~0.13
NDVI_MRAT = ~0.98
We try to replaced these parameters of a specific forested grid (if (maximum LU_CLASS_FRACTION <=9)) with that from a representative bare land grid. This is only one case. We also want to change forest to grass. The approach is the same. Changing the parameters of forested girds with that from a grass land grid. I am not sure this is a correct method or not. Maybe the soil experts have comment on it. Looking forward your reply.
Hi Bo,
I suggest to contact Merja Toelle (University of Gießen, and of course CLM -Community member).
She has a lot of experience with this aforestation/deforestation stuff and the necessary manipulation of external data sets.
Hello Hans,
thank you for your information. I will contact with her.