Problem with high-resoltion CLM and int2clm – in #14: CCLM-CLM

in #14: CCLM-CLM

<p> maybe try l_cressman = .TRUE. in the int2lm script. <br/> Are you using <span class="caps"> GPU </span> ’s for the calculation ? (sbatch -N $NP1 <strong> -p gpu ompi </strong> $DirInt2_Exe/int2_clm_cheat ) I dont have any experience using <span class="caps"> GPU </span> ’s or ompi. <br/> Try to switch to normal <span class="caps"> CPU </span> s.( fewer are better but slower of course) </p>

  @lukasschefczyk in #57a8da5

<p> maybe try l_cressman = .TRUE. in the int2lm script. <br/> Are you using <span class="caps"> GPU </span> ’s for the calculation ? (sbatch -N $NP1 <strong> -p gpu ompi </strong> $DirInt2_Exe/int2_clm_cheat ) I dont have any experience using <span class="caps"> GPU </span> ’s or ompi. <br/> Try to switch to normal <span class="caps"> CPU </span> s.( fewer are better but slower of course) </p>

maybe try l_cressman = .TRUE. in the int2lm script.
Are you using GPU ’s for the calculation ? (sbatch -N $NP1 -p gpu ompi $DirInt2_Exe/int2_clm_cheat ) I dont have any experience using GPU ’s or ompi.
Try to switch to normal CPU s.( fewer are better but slower of course)