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preparing ECHAM data for INT2LM
Hey, I want to force my CCLM simulation with output from the ECHAM model
[ https://fesom.de/models/awi-cm/ ]
Has anyone experience concering the preprocessing [ECHAM output —-compatiblity—-> INT2LM input]
So far we have found that:
[T] 3D
cdo -sp2gp echam6.nc output.nc
transforms the spectral temperature to lat/lon grid
[U,V] 3D
cdo -dv2uv echam6.nc output.nc
transforms the spectral divergence/vorticity to u/v-winds on lat/lon grid
specific humidity, cloud water, cloud ice are already on lat/lon grid
seem all to exist and are already on lat/lon grid
(multi layer) soil moisture content and soil temperature are difficult.
We havn´t found the temperature, but a soil moisture content (in meter).
Is is possible to run INT2LM with: lmulti_layer_lm=TRUE ; lmulti_layer_in=FALSE
(If yes, is this a good idea?)
Any other advice or suggestion that comes to mind?
There is a very old version of a converter under https://redc.clm-community.eu/projects/int2lm/wiki/Pre-Processor_Programs
In the tape archive
at DKRZ you find examples how the files should look like. Below is a “ncdump -h” listing as an exampleT_SO is not needed for COSMO _CLM. INT2LM calculates an exponential profile using T_S or T_SKIN (or even T(ke) in the worst case, if the latter are not available).
W_SO_REL: I cannot remember if a conversion factor is needed. Anyway, you can also initialise with an artificial soil moisture by setting
itype_w_so_rel = 0
and in LMGRID
czvw_so_lm= 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75,
is probably not a good idea.