Time Increments of variables – in #8: General Questions

in #8: General Questions

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> We are running <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> on <span class="caps"> MENA </span> domain here and according to my mananagement’s request, I was asked start producing output files with a time increment of one hour, thus: <br/> In subchain, I changed to: <br/> set -A <span class="caps"> HOUT </span> _INC 7 01 24 01 01 01 01 24 </p> <p> The model seems to create all the necessary output files. However just at the end, it collapsed and creates the following error message: <br/> <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> * <span class="caps"> PROGRAM </span> <span class="caps"> TERMINATED </span> <span class="caps"> BECAUSE </span> OF <span class="caps"> ERRORS </span> DETECTED * IN <span class="caps"> ROUTINE </span> : organize_output * * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> is 2033 * <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> <br/> MPT: Global rank 0 is aborting with error code 2033. Process ID: 16891, Host: n041, Program: /Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- <span class="caps"> CLM </span> /cclm-sp_1.4/src/cclm/bin/cclm </p> <p> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> : ————stack traceback———- <br/> forrtl: severe (174): <span class="caps"> SIGSEGV </span> , segmentation fault occurred <br/> Image PC Routine Line Source <br/> libc.so.6 00002AAAAB781D24 Unknown Unknown Unknown </p> <p> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> : ——-stack traceback ends——- <br/> MPT: <span class="caps"> MPI </span> _COMM_WORLD rank 0 has terminated without calling <span class="caps"> MPI </span> _Finalize() aborting job </p> <p> Could you give me a hint for the reason for it? </p> <p> Thank you very much, <br/> Giora </p>

  @redc_migration in #64ea757

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> We are running <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> on <span class="caps"> MENA </span> domain here and according to my mananagement’s request, I was asked start producing output files with a time increment of one hour, thus: <br/> In subchain, I changed to: <br/> set -A <span class="caps"> HOUT </span> _INC 7 01 24 01 01 01 01 24 </p> <p> The model seems to create all the necessary output files. However just at the end, it collapsed and creates the following error message: <br/> <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> * <span class="caps"> PROGRAM </span> <span class="caps"> TERMINATED </span> <span class="caps"> BECAUSE </span> OF <span class="caps"> ERRORS </span> DETECTED * IN <span class="caps"> ROUTINE </span> : organize_output * * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> is 2033 * <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> <br/> MPT: Global rank 0 is aborting with error code 2033. Process ID: 16891, Host: n041, Program: /Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- <span class="caps"> CLM </span> /cclm-sp_1.4/src/cclm/bin/cclm </p> <p> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> : ————stack traceback———- <br/> forrtl: severe (174): <span class="caps"> SIGSEGV </span> , segmentation fault occurred <br/> Image PC Routine Line Source <br/> libc.so.6 00002AAAAB781D24 Unknown Unknown Unknown </p> <p> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> : ——-stack traceback ends——- <br/> MPT: <span class="caps"> MPI </span> _COMM_WORLD rank 0 has terminated without calling <span class="caps"> MPI </span> _Finalize() aborting job </p> <p> Could you give me a hint for the reason for it? </p> <p> Thank you very much, <br/> Giora </p>

Time Increments of variables

Dear all,

We are running CCLM on MENA domain here and according to my mananagement’s request, I was asked start producing output files with a time increment of one hour, thus:
In subchain, I changed to:
set -A HOUT _INC 7 01 24 01 01 01 01 24

The model seems to create all the necessary output files. However just at the end, it collapsed and creates the following error message:
—————————————————————————————— * PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED * IN ROUTINE : organize_output * * ERROR CODE is 2033 * ——————————————————————————————
MPT: Global rank 0 is aborting with error code 2033. Process ID: 16891, Host: n041, Program: /Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- CLM /cclm-sp_1.4/src/cclm/bin/cclm

MPT : ————stack traceback———-
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV , segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source
libc.so.6 00002AAAAB781D24 Unknown Unknown Unknown

MPT : ——-stack traceback ends——-
MPT: MPI _COMM_WORLD rank 0 has terminated without calling MPI _Finalize() aborting job

Could you give me a hint for the reason for it?

Thank you very much,

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