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Data Assimilation in the RCM
Dear Colleagues,
Having employed the NWP mode of the COSMO model to produce simulations with assimilated data I intend to do likewise now with the RCM .
After having flicked through the COSMO documentation I found no special remarks as to the assimilation of data in the climate mode. Should I then assume that the Data Assimilation with the nudging scheme can be done in the same manner as with the NWP mode? That is to say, following the same process and keeping the same nudging settings?
Does anybody know of written documentation or articles that deal with data assimilation with the nudging scheme in COSMO in the Climate mode?
Dear Alberto,
to my knowledge data assimilation as such has never been applied in the climate version of COSMO .
Only the option of spectral nudging has already been used by several colleagues, but not by me.
Thus, from the technical point of view it would be interesting to know whether data assimilation in general would work in the climate mode.
But: if it would work, what is the sense behind it?
Which data do you want to use for the assimilation when you are performing climate simulations for the future?
Dear Mr. Panitz
Thank you for your reply and your providing of information.
The Data assimilation I intend to perform is of a highly resolved GPS - Integrated water vapour data set in the period September-March 2012. The purpose of such assimilation is to observe the impact of this selective assimilation on the represented moisture fields and precipitation extremes, that is to say, only when GPS - IWV data are assimilated.
I do not plan to simulate periods in the future, but rather past periods (of a few months) in the year 2012.
I think it would be interesting to study the response of the model to this assimilation from a seasonal point of view. That is why I want to use the Climate mode.
With kind regards