CAF files for EC-Earth RCP2.6 – in #8: General Questions

in #8: General Questions

<p> Hello, </p> <p> does anyone know if there are caf files available for EC-Earth RCP2.6 anywhere? As far as I know they are not available on the <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> archive. </p> <p> Many thank and best regards, <br/> Christopher </p>

  @christopherpurr in #dd3668b

<p> Hello, </p> <p> does anyone know if there are caf files available for EC-Earth RCP2.6 anywhere? As far as I know they are not available on the <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> archive. </p> <p> Many thank and best regards, <br/> Christopher </p>

CAF files for EC-Earth RCP2.6


does anyone know if there are caf files available for EC-Earth RCP2.6 anywhere? As far as I know they are not available on the DKRZ archive.

Many thank and best regards,

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<p> Hi Christopher, </p> <p> yes, there are caf files available for EC-Earth RCP2.6, r12i1p1. <br/> I created them in order to run <span class="caps"> EUR </span> -11 <span class="caps"> CORDEX </span> simulations for the period 2006 until 2100. <br/> These simulations are finished and in the <span class="caps"> CMOR </span> isation step. <br/> The caf-files are not (yet) available from the <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> archive. <br/> I created and archived them at <span class="caps"> HLRS </span> , Stuttgart. <br/> But I intend to transfer them to the <span class="caps"> DOKU </span> area at <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> . <br/> Question is, when. </p> <p> What do you intend to do with the data? <br/> As I said, <span class="caps"> EURO </span> - <span class="caps"> CORDEX </span> simulations with a grid-spacing of 0.11 deg exist already ( <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> _4.8_clm17 had been applied). </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

  @hans-jürgenpanitz in #fe798e5

<p> Hi Christopher, </p> <p> yes, there are caf files available for EC-Earth RCP2.6, r12i1p1. <br/> I created them in order to run <span class="caps"> EUR </span> -11 <span class="caps"> CORDEX </span> simulations for the period 2006 until 2100. <br/> These simulations are finished and in the <span class="caps"> CMOR </span> isation step. <br/> The caf-files are not (yet) available from the <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> archive. <br/> I created and archived them at <span class="caps"> HLRS </span> , Stuttgart. <br/> But I intend to transfer them to the <span class="caps"> DOKU </span> area at <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> . <br/> Question is, when. </p> <p> What do you intend to do with the data? <br/> As I said, <span class="caps"> EURO </span> - <span class="caps"> CORDEX </span> simulations with a grid-spacing of 0.11 deg exist already ( <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> _4.8_clm17 had been applied). </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

Hi Christopher,

yes, there are caf files available for EC-Earth RCP2.6, r12i1p1.
I created them in order to run EUR -11 CORDEX simulations for the period 2006 until 2100.
These simulations are finished and in the CMOR isation step.
The caf-files are not (yet) available from the DKRZ archive.
I created and archived them at HLRS , Stuttgart.
But I intend to transfer them to the DOKU area at DKRZ .
Question is, when.

What do you intend to do with the data?
As I said, EURO - CORDEX simulations with a grid-spacing of 0.11 deg exist already ( CCLM _4.8_clm17 had been applied).


<p> Hello Hans-Jürgen, </p> <p> thanks a lot for your reply. I just sent you an E-mail for further discussion. </p> <p> Best regards, <br/> Christopher </p>

  @christopherpurr in #a436c12

<p> Hello Hans-Jürgen, </p> <p> thanks a lot for your reply. I just sent you an E-mail for further discussion. </p> <p> Best regards, <br/> Christopher </p>

Hello Hans-Jürgen,

thanks a lot for your reply. I just sent you an E-mail for further discussion.

Best regards,