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u and v components of wind - true east/north or model domain x/y direction?
Hi all,
Regarding the model output u and v components of wind, are they defined according to true east/north or according to the model domain x/y directions?
If the latter, I assume a correction is needed to true lon/lat direction when comparing to observed u/v measurements or observed wind direction, right?
Kind regards,
Sam Vanden Broucke
The U and V components are defined wrt to the computational grid. You can de-rotate them using the CDO tool “rotuvb”. If de-rotating “manually” by the de-rotation formula, be careful that there may still be an error in the CCLM documentation. See this discussion https://redc.clm-community.eu/boards/10/topics/518
Good luck!
Okay, I’ll try that. Thanks for the quick reply Edmund!