Restarting finished job – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> I understood finally how I have managed to make my job running. I clearly made a mistake. As I see now cclm.job.tmpl file in /templates directory contains ydirini=@{YDIRINI}/’ and not ydirini=’/Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- <span class="caps"> CLM </span> /cclm-sp_1.4/work/b3001/restarts’‘, <br/> This means that by submitting ./subchain cclm 1994010100 in reality I have used a cold start and not the warm one as I wanted. <br/> Sorry for misleading information of yesterday. </p> <p> So, my problem remains unsolved apparently. Following your earlier recommendation I have repeated all my previous actions on another job b2001. Attached please find a tar file with the information on the files in /Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- <span class="caps"> CLM </span> /cclm-sp_1.4/chain/scratch/b2001/output/int2lm/1994_01/ and /Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- <span class="caps"> CLM </span> /cclm-sp_1.4/chain/scratch/b2001/output/int2lm/1994_02/ <br/> as well as the resulting .job and joblog file. </p>

  @redc_migration in #7817850

<p> I understood finally how I have managed to make my job running. I clearly made a mistake. As I see now cclm.job.tmpl file in /templates directory contains ydirini=@{YDIRINI}/’ and not ydirini=’/Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- <span class="caps"> CLM </span> /cclm-sp_1.4/work/b3001/restarts’‘, <br/> This means that by submitting ./subchain cclm 1994010100 in reality I have used a cold start and not the warm one as I wanted. <br/> Sorry for misleading information of yesterday. </p> <p> So, my problem remains unsolved apparently. Following your earlier recommendation I have repeated all my previous actions on another job b2001. Attached please find a tar file with the information on the files in /Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- <span class="caps"> CLM </span> /cclm-sp_1.4/chain/scratch/b2001/output/int2lm/1994_01/ and /Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- <span class="caps"> CLM </span> /cclm-sp_1.4/chain/scratch/b2001/output/int2lm/1994_02/ <br/> as well as the resulting .job and joblog file. </p>

I understood finally how I have managed to make my job running. I clearly made a mistake. As I see now cclm.job.tmpl file in /templates directory contains ydirini=@{YDIRINI}/’ and not ydirini=’/Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- CLM /cclm-sp_1.4/work/b3001/restarts’‘,
This means that by submitting ./subchain cclm 1994010100 in reality I have used a cold start and not the warm one as I wanted.
Sorry for misleading information of yesterday.

So, my problem remains unsolved apparently. Following your earlier recommendation I have repeated all my previous actions on another job b2001. Attached please find a tar file with the information on the files in /Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- CLM /cclm-sp_1.4/chain/scratch/b2001/output/int2lm/1994_01/ and /Research/CLIMATE/Giora/COSMO- CLM /cclm-sp_1.4/chain/scratch/b2001/output/int2lm/1994_02/
as well as the resulting .job and joblog file.