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SSP CO2 pathways in src_radiation
I’m trying to setup a simulation with ssp370 forcing with cclm5_clm16. For the ico2_rad switch there are only 0-10 options with SRES and RCP scenarios. Is there an update for the src_radiation.f90 with the new SSP Scenarios for the zqco2 variable from line 1812-1909. Has someone already done that or is it planned? Or is choosing rcp6.0 ok for that?
Greetings Lukas
Hello Lukas,
COSMO got an update related to SRES scenarios. You cannot use it in combination with COSMOv5-clm16, but I immediately asked the source code administration to publish a clm17 Version to get rid of that problem. We will contact you in today or tomorrow.
Best regards
Hello Ronny,
Thanks for the quick response!
Is there an update regarding the new version ?
Greetings Lukas
Hello Lukas,
the new pathways are part of COSMO6.0 which is in the pipline at the German Weather Service.
However, a quicker way is to adapt the most recent COSMO5-clm15 for the pathways. This can be easily done by merging the source code file ‘src/radiation_utilities.f90’ from version 5.10 with the most recent COSMO5- CLM version and testing the changes. Then, a new COSMO5-clm16 version can be released in cooperation with Burkhardt Rockel. You will receive the COSMO 5.10 version of the ‘src/radiation_utilities.f90’ from Ulrich Schättler ( DWD ).
Hi Ronny,
I will also run COSMO - CLM SSP simulations. Would it be possible to share the COSMO 5.10 version of the ‘src/radiation_utilities.f90’ file?
Kind Regards,
Hello to both of you (Paul and Lukas),
I have sent the file with new SRES scenarios to Hendrik Feldmann at KIT . He is now merging the old code with the new scenarios. You should ask him how far they get with the implementation. I will ask him too.
Best regards,
Ronny Petrik
Hello all,
I saw the email about implementing the new ico2_rad in clm17. I tried to plot the functions of zgco2 for RCP8.5 and SSP858, and here in the figure is what I found.
I am wondering why the differ in the historical period (1950-2005), although they usually are compared after 2005 (such as in O’Neill et al. (2016) figure 3), which means they shouldn’t differ in the historical period.
Best regards,
Thank you Ronny & Hendrik.
I am now using the latest COSMO - CLM release.
Kind Regards,
user#270 wrote:
> Hello to both of you (Paul and Lukas),
> I have sent the file with new SRES scenarios to Hendrik Feldmann at KIT. He is now merging the old code with the new scenarios. You should ask him how far they get with the implementation. I will ask him too.
> Best regards,
> Ronny Petrik