Difference between T_2M and T_2M_AV – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> currently I’m evaluating some of my model results against E- <span class="caps"> OBS </span> data for a time span of 30 years. I consider e.g. the seasonal mean of the surface temperature. I figured that when I use the T_2M field for comparison, the model is too cold by roughly 2°C (especially pronounced in summer). However, when I use the T_2M_AV field, the results fit much better to observations. I’m prinitng both fields with daily resolution. </p> <p> As the name suggests, I guess T_2M_AV is the time average of the T_2M field (actually the documentation https://www.cosmo-model.org/content/model/documentation/core/cosmo_io_guide_6.0.pdf does not know T_2M_AV). What is not quite clear to me is 1. over which time this average is exactly performed 2. and to which time instance the printed T_2M field corresponds? </p> <p> Is it like the average is performed over a period of an output (e.g. for me one day) and the field T_2M is a snapshot at one border of that interval (e.g. at 0:00)? <br/> Does this imply that if one is interested in comparing time means against observations one should use T_2M_AV and if one wants to use the model data for forcing another model one should use T_2M? </p> <p> Thank you very much in advance and with best regards, <br/> Sven </p>

  @svenkarsten in #4575d13

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> currently I’m evaluating some of my model results against E- <span class="caps"> OBS </span> data for a time span of 30 years. I consider e.g. the seasonal mean of the surface temperature. I figured that when I use the T_2M field for comparison, the model is too cold by roughly 2°C (especially pronounced in summer). However, when I use the T_2M_AV field, the results fit much better to observations. I’m prinitng both fields with daily resolution. </p> <p> As the name suggests, I guess T_2M_AV is the time average of the T_2M field (actually the documentation https://www.cosmo-model.org/content/model/documentation/core/cosmo_io_guide_6.0.pdf does not know T_2M_AV). What is not quite clear to me is 1. over which time this average is exactly performed 2. and to which time instance the printed T_2M field corresponds? </p> <p> Is it like the average is performed over a period of an output (e.g. for me one day) and the field T_2M is a snapshot at one border of that interval (e.g. at 0:00)? <br/> Does this imply that if one is interested in comparing time means against observations one should use T_2M_AV and if one wants to use the model data for forcing another model one should use T_2M? </p> <p> Thank you very much in advance and with best regards, <br/> Sven </p>

Difference between T_2M and T_2M_AV

Dear all,

currently I’m evaluating some of my model results against E- OBS data for a time span of 30 years. I consider e.g. the seasonal mean of the surface temperature. I figured that when I use the T_2M field for comparison, the model is too cold by roughly 2°C (especially pronounced in summer). However, when I use the T_2M_AV field, the results fit much better to observations. I’m prinitng both fields with daily resolution.

As the name suggests, I guess T_2M_AV is the time average of the T_2M field (actually the documentation https://www.cosmo-model.org/content/model/documentation/core/cosmo_io_guide_6.0.pdf does not know T_2M_AV). What is not quite clear to me is 1. over which time this average is exactly performed 2. and to which time instance the printed T_2M field corresponds?

Is it like the average is performed over a period of an output (e.g. for me one day) and the field T_2M is a snapshot at one border of that interval (e.g. at 0:00)?
Does this imply that if one is interested in comparing time means against observations one should use T_2M_AV and if one wants to use the model data for forcing another model one should use T_2M?

Thank you very much in advance and with best regards,

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<p> 1. T_2M_AV is averaged over the output time interval (similar as the radiation outputs starting with an “A”) <br/> 2. T_2M is an instantaneous value at the end of the output interval <br/> When you use T_2M for comparison the output interval should be 3h or less. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #60a000f

<p> 1. T_2M_AV is averaged over the output time interval (similar as the radiation outputs starting with an “A”) <br/> 2. T_2M is an instantaneous value at the end of the output interval <br/> When you use T_2M for comparison the output interval should be 3h or less. </p>

1. T_2M_AV is averaged over the output time interval (similar as the radiation outputs starting with an “A”)
2. T_2M is an instantaneous value at the end of the output interval
When you use T_2M for comparison the output interval should be 3h or less.