repeating postprocessing job – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Ok, I understand that you do not have any time series files in work/xxx/post directory. So you can create them from the archived <strong> .tar files. Do you have those? For that you need to untar the archived *.tar files and create time series from the lffd </strong> files stored in the out** directories. For that you can use some of the code in your post(yourEXID).job on them. You probably need the code lines of the post(yourEXID).job below the topics: <ol> <li> set number of boundary lines to be cut off in the time series data <br/> and the code lines below the topic <ol> <li> function for building time series <br/> an the code lines below the topic </li> </ol> </li> <li> —- build time series for selected variables </li> </ol> </p> <p> In the case you have all of your simulated months (the out** directories and lffd* files) in /scratch/…./input/arch and nothing in /scratch/…./input/post, just copy them to /scratch/…./input/post and rerun the postprocessing job for each month. </p> <p> Let me know if that solves your problem now? <br/> Cheers, <br/> Merja </p>

  @merjatölle in #c8b90fc

<p> Ok, I understand that you do not have any time series files in work/xxx/post directory. So you can create them from the archived <strong> .tar files. Do you have those? For that you need to untar the archived *.tar files and create time series from the lffd </strong> files stored in the out** directories. For that you can use some of the code in your post(yourEXID).job on them. You probably need the code lines of the post(yourEXID).job below the topics: <ol> <li> set number of boundary lines to be cut off in the time series data <br/> and the code lines below the topic <ol> <li> function for building time series <br/> an the code lines below the topic </li> </ol> </li> <li> —- build time series for selected variables </li> </ol> </p> <p> In the case you have all of your simulated months (the out** directories and lffd* files) in /scratch/…./input/arch and nothing in /scratch/…./input/post, just copy them to /scratch/…./input/post and rerun the postprocessing job for each month. </p> <p> Let me know if that solves your problem now? <br/> Cheers, <br/> Merja </p>

Ok, I understand that you do not have any time series files in work/xxx/post directory. So you can create them from the archived .tar files. Do you have those? For that you need to untar the archived *.tar files and create time series from the lffd files stored in the out** directories. For that you can use some of the code in your post(yourEXID).job on them. You probably need the code lines of the post(yourEXID).job below the topics:

  1. set number of boundary lines to be cut off in the time series data
    and the code lines below the topic
    1. function for building time series
      an the code lines below the topic
  2. —- build time series for selected variables

In the case you have all of your simulated months (the out** directories and lffd* files) in /scratch/…./input/arch and nothing in /scratch/…./input/post, just copy them to /scratch/…./input/post and rerun the postprocessing job for each month.

Let me know if that solves your problem now?