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COSMO5.0 simulation: Too cold in winter
Dear all,
I set up a new simulation with the new version of COSMO - CLM (5.0.9). The driven data is ERA -Interim and simulation region is CORDEX -EU. All the settings are following the CORDEX -EU suggestions. However, I found that the CCLM simulates a too cold winter (with a large BIAS : <-2 degree Celsius) in the CORDEX -EU region. The temperature in summer seems comparable with the observation ( CRU ). The BIAS of precipitation in summer ( JJA ) and winter ( DJF ) are acceptable. Following some statistic metrics, the BIAS , ACC (anomaly correlation coefficient) and PCC (pattern correlation coefficient). Then, I attach the YUSPECIF and some plots about this simulation. Do you have any idea about the cold BIAS ? How to fix it? Thank you very much.
annual JJA DJF BIAS -1.23 0.45 -2.64
tas ACC 0.91 0.92 0.9 PCC 0.99 0.99 0.95
BIAS -0.04 -0.3 0.08
pr ACC 0.8 0.73 0.89 PCC 0.98 0.96 0.96
Best regards,
Please see the temperature differences for CCLM 5.0_clm9 to EOBS in the attachment and the YUSPECIF for a five year simulation 1980-1984 driven by ERAI nterim.
There is no such negativ bias as you have in your simulation.
In the following are the main differences between your and my YUSPECIF .
When you find which of the parameters is the bad guy, please let us know.
I have performed a simulation with the same YUSPECIF as yours (except the period: 1980-1984).
The comparison to EOBS data shows no such large errors as your results (see attachment).
Maybe there is an error in the pre- or postprocessing of your data?
Hi Burkhardt,
thank you very much. I also found that there is no big changes in the simulation with your YUSPECIF . I try to find the reason for such large biases from my post-processing. I will let you know when I find it.
Hi Bo,
do you have the CRU and model data at vilje or norstore? If you can send me the directory, I will have a look as well.
(also compare versus EOBS )
Best regards