COSMO with YAXT ? – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Hello, </p> <p> currently we are considering to implement <span class="caps"> YAXT </span> into all <span class="caps"> MESS </span> y basemodels to unify the ( <span class="caps"> MPI </span> ) communication in <span class="caps"> MESS </span> y between all basemodels. </p> <p> Did anybody try to implement (finish the implementation of) <span class="caps"> YAXT </span> in <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> or knows about another group doing it or at least trying? </p> <p> All help is appreciated! </p> <p> Thanks, Astrid Kerkweg </p>

  @astridkerkweg in #5728eb0

<p> Hello, </p> <p> currently we are considering to implement <span class="caps"> YAXT </span> into all <span class="caps"> MESS </span> y basemodels to unify the ( <span class="caps"> MPI </span> ) communication in <span class="caps"> MESS </span> y between all basemodels. </p> <p> Did anybody try to implement (finish the implementation of) <span class="caps"> YAXT </span> in <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> or knows about another group doing it or at least trying? </p> <p> All help is appreciated! </p> <p> Thanks, Astrid Kerkweg </p>



currently we are considering to implement YAXT into all MESS y basemodels to unify the ( MPI ) communication in MESS y between all basemodels.

Did anybody try to implement (finish the implementation of) YAXT in COSMO or knows about another group doing it or at least trying?

All help is appreciated!

Thanks, Astrid Kerkweg

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