CCLM job failed due to error in DYNCTL – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Hi everyone, </p> <p> my cclm-job failed due to an error that occurred in <span class="caps"> DYNCTL </span> . I have attached the <span class="caps"> YUSPECIF </span> and <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> _DYN and joblog file to this message. Do you have a suggestion concerning this error? </p> <p> Thanks a lot. <br/> Best regards, <br/> Merja </p>

  @merjatölle in #7d00aae

<p> Hi everyone, </p> <p> my cclm-job failed due to an error that occurred in <span class="caps"> DYNCTL </span> . I have attached the <span class="caps"> YUSPECIF </span> and <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> _DYN and joblog file to this message. Do you have a suggestion concerning this error? </p> <p> Thanks a lot. <br/> Best regards, <br/> Merja </p>

CCLM job failed due to error in DYNCTL

Hi everyone,

my cclm-job failed due to an error that occurred in DYNCTL . I have attached the YUSPECIF and INPUT _DYN and joblog file to this message. Do you have a suggestion concerning this error?

Thanks a lot.
Best regards,

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<p> Hi Merja, </p> <p> something is wrong in your <span class="caps"> DYNCTL </span> -Namelist. <br/> Which <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> Version are you using? <br/> In 5.00 I don’t find the parameter “l_diff_cold_pools”, which you’ve set. <br/> It is also not a namelist parameter in Version 5.01=5.1 </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

  @hans-jürgenpanitz in #74078f5

<p> Hi Merja, </p> <p> something is wrong in your <span class="caps"> DYNCTL </span> -Namelist. <br/> Which <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> Version are you using? <br/> In 5.00 I don’t find the parameter “l_diff_cold_pools”, which you’ve set. <br/> It is also not a namelist parameter in Version 5.01=5.1 </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

Hi Merja,

something is wrong in your DYNCTL -Namelist.
Which CCLM Version are you using?
In 5.00 I don’t find the parameter “l_diff_cold_pools”, which you’ve set.
It is also not a namelist parameter in Version 5.01=5.1


<p> Thanks a lot for your answer. That solved the problem. The namelist group <span class="caps"> DYNCTL </span> runs now through. <br/> I am using cclm version CCLM5.0_clm8. <br/> Best regards, <br/> Merja </p>

  @merjatölle in #6d0a056

<p> Thanks a lot for your answer. That solved the problem. The namelist group <span class="caps"> DYNCTL </span> runs now through. <br/> I am using cclm version CCLM5.0_clm8. <br/> Best regards, <br/> Merja </p>

Thanks a lot for your answer. That solved the problem. The namelist group DYNCTL runs now through.
I am using cclm version CCLM5.0_clm8.
Best regards,