CCLM for Middle East with ERA Interim – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear Simon, </p> <p> a few answers to you last but one question: <br/> all changes related to number of vertical levels (ke_tot), height of the model domain,and <br/> thickness of lowest layer (both via vcoord_d, for example) have to be defined in the Namelist of INT2LM and require a <br/> re-run of INT2LM. </p> <p> vcoord_d: yes, in INT2LM there are some default combinations of ke_tot and vcoord_d, which I do not know by heart <br/> and which are too much to be listed here. You have to look into the code (src_namelist.f90) </p> <p> If you want to change hard-coded values of variables in the Tietke scheme you have to do it by hand in the code. <br/> Of course, afterwards, the module has to be compiled again. </p> <p> Impact of changes related to the variables “entrpen” “entrmid” and others: no experience </p> <p> Answer to your last question: <br/> Your <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> job failed due to an error in Namelist “ <span class="caps"> PHYCTL </span> ”. <br/> You defined the parameters lprog_prec = <span class="caps"> TRUE </span> , (which, by the way, must be lprogprec, without underscore) ltrans_prec = <span class="caps"> TRUE </span> </p> <p> Both parameters have been deleted as Namelist parameters since <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> Version 4.23, but you are using Version 5.0, aren’t you? </p> <p> Such errors are indicated in the standard output, in your case in “cclme6001.job”. <br/> Unfortunately, you only get the info that something is wrong, but not what is wrong <br/> This requires to have a look into the code and to compare the existing Namelist parameters of the corresponding Namelist whith the <br/> definitions in your script. </p> <p> Or, what is always as must, lokk into the “” file of the version you are using and look for changes in the corresponding Namelist. </p> <p> Best regards </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

  @hans-jürgenpanitz in #74fe1fd

<p> Dear Simon, </p> <p> a few answers to you last but one question: <br/> all changes related to number of vertical levels (ke_tot), height of the model domain,and <br/> thickness of lowest layer (both via vcoord_d, for example) have to be defined in the Namelist of INT2LM and require a <br/> re-run of INT2LM. </p> <p> vcoord_d: yes, in INT2LM there are some default combinations of ke_tot and vcoord_d, which I do not know by heart <br/> and which are too much to be listed here. You have to look into the code (src_namelist.f90) </p> <p> If you want to change hard-coded values of variables in the Tietke scheme you have to do it by hand in the code. <br/> Of course, afterwards, the module has to be compiled again. </p> <p> Impact of changes related to the variables “entrpen” “entrmid” and others: no experience </p> <p> Answer to your last question: <br/> Your <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> job failed due to an error in Namelist “ <span class="caps"> PHYCTL </span> ”. <br/> You defined the parameters lprog_prec = <span class="caps"> TRUE </span> , (which, by the way, must be lprogprec, without underscore) ltrans_prec = <span class="caps"> TRUE </span> </p> <p> Both parameters have been deleted as Namelist parameters since <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> Version 4.23, but you are using Version 5.0, aren’t you? </p> <p> Such errors are indicated in the standard output, in your case in “cclme6001.job”. <br/> Unfortunately, you only get the info that something is wrong, but not what is wrong <br/> This requires to have a look into the code and to compare the existing Namelist parameters of the corresponding Namelist whith the <br/> definitions in your script. </p> <p> Or, what is always as must, lokk into the “” file of the version you are using and look for changes in the corresponding Namelist. </p> <p> Best regards </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

Dear Simon,

a few answers to you last but one question:
all changes related to number of vertical levels (ke_tot), height of the model domain,and
thickness of lowest layer (both via vcoord_d, for example) have to be defined in the Namelist of INT2LM and require a
re-run of INT2LM.

vcoord_d: yes, in INT2LM there are some default combinations of ke_tot and vcoord_d, which I do not know by heart
and which are too much to be listed here. You have to look into the code (src_namelist.f90)

If you want to change hard-coded values of variables in the Tietke scheme you have to do it by hand in the code.
Of course, afterwards, the module has to be compiled again.

Impact of changes related to the variables “entrpen” “entrmid” and others: no experience

Answer to your last question:
Your CCLM job failed due to an error in Namelist “ PHYCTL ”.
You defined the parameters lprog_prec = TRUE , (which, by the way, must be lprogprec, without underscore) ltrans_prec = TRUE

Both parameters have been deleted as Namelist parameters since COSMO Version 4.23, but you are using Version 5.0, aren’t you?

Such errors are indicated in the standard output, in your case in “cclme6001.job”.
Unfortunately, you only get the info that something is wrong, but not what is wrong
This requires to have a look into the code and to compare the existing Namelist parameters of the corresponding Namelist whith the
definitions in your script.

Or, what is always as must, lokk into the “” file of the version you are using and look for changes in the corresponding Namelist.

Best regards
