gribout ERROR plev for interpolation above model top – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Hi Alberto, </p> <p> looking at your data I saw a few things that are rather strange for me. <br/> 1.) What is the reason of applying a vertical grid spacing of 240 m between the surface and the first level above the surface (see <span class="caps"> YUSPECIF </span> file) <br/> 2.) Your T_S and T_SO fields (see your laf-file) do have very high maximum values (larger than 340K, see <span class="caps"> YUCHKDAT </span> ). If I interpret you model domain correctly (mostly southern France, part of the Med-Sea, western parts of <br/> Switzerland and Italy, a little bit of Spain) I would not expect such high values. <br/> 3.) Minimum T values (3-D Temperature on Model Levels) fall below 200 K in the lowest model level during your simulation (see <span class="caps"> YUCHKDAT </span> ). I would say this is much too low even for the highest summit of the Alps. ( I did not check where the low value occurs) </p> <p> My conclusion: your problem is due to some completely unphysical conditions that occur during the simulation and which let the model explode. The error message that you get is due to a follow up error. </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

  @hans-jürgenpanitz in #1335223

<p> Hi Alberto, </p> <p> looking at your data I saw a few things that are rather strange for me. <br/> 1.) What is the reason of applying a vertical grid spacing of 240 m between the surface and the first level above the surface (see <span class="caps"> YUSPECIF </span> file) <br/> 2.) Your T_S and T_SO fields (see your laf-file) do have very high maximum values (larger than 340K, see <span class="caps"> YUCHKDAT </span> ). If I interpret you model domain correctly (mostly southern France, part of the Med-Sea, western parts of <br/> Switzerland and Italy, a little bit of Spain) I would not expect such high values. <br/> 3.) Minimum T values (3-D Temperature on Model Levels) fall below 200 K in the lowest model level during your simulation (see <span class="caps"> YUCHKDAT </span> ). I would say this is much too low even for the highest summit of the Alps. ( I did not check where the low value occurs) </p> <p> My conclusion: your problem is due to some completely unphysical conditions that occur during the simulation and which let the model explode. The error message that you get is due to a follow up error. </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

Hi Alberto,

looking at your data I saw a few things that are rather strange for me.
1.) What is the reason of applying a vertical grid spacing of 240 m between the surface and the first level above the surface (see YUSPECIF file)
2.) Your T_S and T_SO fields (see your laf-file) do have very high maximum values (larger than 340K, see YUCHKDAT ). If I interpret you model domain correctly (mostly southern France, part of the Med-Sea, western parts of
Switzerland and Italy, a little bit of Spain) I would not expect such high values.
3.) Minimum T values (3-D Temperature on Model Levels) fall below 200 K in the lowest model level during your simulation (see YUCHKDAT ). I would say this is much too low even for the highest summit of the Alps. ( I did not check where the low value occurs)

My conclusion: your problem is due to some completely unphysical conditions that occur during the simulation and which let the model explode. The error message that you get is due to a follow up error.
