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The ncd_out.txt file does not contain the vcoord listing. I made a typo in the ncdump call above, sorry! Please try again with
ncdump -v vcoord ..
, i.e. by not using the-h
option.Is the error message you send:
! For this type the vertical coordinates should be descending IF ( vcoord%vert_coord(2) > vcoord%vert_coord(1) ) THEN WRITE (yerrmsg,’(A,I5,2F10.5)’) & ‘ ERROR *** Vertical coordinates not descending for type *** ‘, & vcoord%ivctype, vcoord%vert_coord(1), vcoord%vert_coord(2) istatus = 2008 RETURN ENDIFERROR * Vertical coordinates not descending for type * 2
complete? From the source code listing there should be two more parameters: