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Good afternoon,
I’m trying to run the new version of COSMO - CLM (cosmo-clm-v6.0_clm1) on the Mistral. I have complied this version and my first question is:
In bin folder – I have cclm.exe4_all file is it correct format of exe file (previously was exe)?
After that I have tried to run this version use the workable template from the COSMO - CLM v5.16, but I have problems with wrong values for nproma, nlastproma, nblock.
I used the different values for nproma (found in run_cosmo_d2), but the error is the same. Can you help me to fix this problem.
Best regards,
The problem here was the setting of ie_tot=je_tot=25 on nprocx=nprocy=24 MPI tasks. This small domain can only run on 1 MPI Task! Please adjust nprocx, nprocy by the script variables NPX _CCLM, NPY _CCLM.