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Erroneous subdomain output CCLM6
Hi all,
I am currently downscaling ERA5 to EUR11 and the plan is to subsequently downscale this to a higher resolution domain over Belgium.
To limit memory usage of the EUR11 run, I decided on using a subdomain, described in out01 with these setting:
hcomb = 0,30000,1,
ytunit = 'd',
lwrite_const = .TRUE.,
lcheck = .FALSE.,
luvmasspoint = .FALSE.,
ydir = 'EUR11/cclm/out/out01/', ! nesting variables
yform_write = 'ncdf',
yvarml = 'FRESHSNW','HHL','P','PP','QC','QG','QI','QR','QS','QV','QV_S','RHO_SNOW','T','T_S','T_SO','T_SNOW','U','V','W','W_I','W_SNOW','W_SO',
ireset_sums = 2,
ydomain = 's',
slon = -15.615,
slat = -4.455,
elon = -1.865,
elat = 6.105,
However, as you can see from the figure below, this does not give the expected output. The output from the run where we do not use a subdomain is fine.
Any idea on what the issue/reason could be?
Kind regards
Hello Fien,
there really is a bug in src_output.f90 in the new version. Erroneously not the field containing the subdomain has been passed to the routine write_netcdf, but the full field. I added the src_output.f90 (based on the latest COSMO NWP Version) with the bug fix. You can find it in line 5686ff.
I hope I uploaded src_output.f90 correctly. It should be in the “All material”