CCLM simulations fail on Mistral - floating point exception C – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear all, <br/> I currently encountered a very similar problem. I get the following messages: <br/> <pre> 239: [m10063:37251:0] Caught signal 8 (Floating point exception) 248: backtrace 248: 2 0x000000000005767c mxm_handle_error() /scrap/jenkins/workspace/hpc-power-pack/label/r-vmb-rhel6-u7-x86-64-MOFED-CHECKER/hpcx_root/src/hpcx-v1.9.7-gcc-OFED-3.18-redhat6.7-x86_64/mxm-v3.6/src/mxm/util/debug/debug.c:641 248: 3 0x00000000000577ec mxm_error_signal_handler() /scrap/jenkins/workspace/hpc-power-pack/label/r-vmb-rhel6-u7-x86-64-MOFED-CHECKER/hpcx_root/src/hpcx-v1.9.7-gcc-OFED-3.18-redhat6.7-x86_64/mxm-v3.6/src/mxm/util/debug/debug.c:616 248: 4 0x0000000000032510 killpg() ??:0 248: 5 0x00000000008606ab src_soil_multlay_mp_terra_multlay_() ??:0 248: 6 0x000000000055e4bf organize_physics_() ??:0 248: 7 0x000000000058d900 MAIN__() ??:0 248: 8 0x00000000004052fe main() ??:0 248: 9 0x000000000001ed1d __libc_start_main() ??:0 248: 10 0x00000000004051f9 _start() ??:0 248: =============== </pre> <br/> I already tried to decompress the <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -Interim data and I also considered the hints you gave before, but it still doesn’t work. <br/> I would be very grateful for help. <br/> Thank you very much and best regards, <br/> Eva </p>

  @evanowatzki in #56d8c5f

<p> Dear all, <br/> I currently encountered a very similar problem. I get the following messages: <br/> <pre> 239: [m10063:37251:0] Caught signal 8 (Floating point exception) 248: backtrace 248: 2 0x000000000005767c mxm_handle_error() /scrap/jenkins/workspace/hpc-power-pack/label/r-vmb-rhel6-u7-x86-64-MOFED-CHECKER/hpcx_root/src/hpcx-v1.9.7-gcc-OFED-3.18-redhat6.7-x86_64/mxm-v3.6/src/mxm/util/debug/debug.c:641 248: 3 0x00000000000577ec mxm_error_signal_handler() /scrap/jenkins/workspace/hpc-power-pack/label/r-vmb-rhel6-u7-x86-64-MOFED-CHECKER/hpcx_root/src/hpcx-v1.9.7-gcc-OFED-3.18-redhat6.7-x86_64/mxm-v3.6/src/mxm/util/debug/debug.c:616 248: 4 0x0000000000032510 killpg() ??:0 248: 5 0x00000000008606ab src_soil_multlay_mp_terra_multlay_() ??:0 248: 6 0x000000000055e4bf organize_physics_() ??:0 248: 7 0x000000000058d900 MAIN__() ??:0 248: 8 0x00000000004052fe main() ??:0 248: 9 0x000000000001ed1d __libc_start_main() ??:0 248: 10 0x00000000004051f9 _start() ??:0 248: =============== </pre> <br/> I already tried to decompress the <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -Interim data and I also considered the hints you gave before, but it still doesn’t work. <br/> I would be very grateful for help. <br/> Thank you very much and best regards, <br/> Eva </p>

Dear all,
I currently encountered a very similar problem. I get the following messages:

239: [m10063:37251:0] Caught signal 8 (Floating point exception)
248:  backtrace 
248:  2 0x000000000005767c mxm_handle_error()  /scrap/jenkins/workspace/hpc-power-pack/label/r-vmb-rhel6-u7-x86-64-MOFED-CHECKER/hpcx_root/src/hpcx-v1.9.7-gcc-OFED-3.18-redhat6.7-x86_64/mxm-v3.6/src/mxm/util/debug/debug.c:641
248:  3 0x00000000000577ec mxm_error_signal_handler()  /scrap/jenkins/workspace/hpc-power-pack/label/r-vmb-rhel6-u7-x86-64-MOFED-CHECKER/hpcx_root/src/hpcx-v1.9.7-gcc-OFED-3.18-redhat6.7-x86_64/mxm-v3.6/src/mxm/util/debug/debug.c:616
248:  4 0x0000000000032510 killpg()  ??:0
248:  5 0x00000000008606ab src_soil_multlay_mp_terra_multlay_()  ??:0
248:  6 0x000000000055e4bf organize_physics_()  ??:0
248:  7 0x000000000058d900 MAIN__()  ??:0
248:  8 0x00000000004052fe main()  ??:0
248:  9 0x000000000001ed1d __libc_start_main()  ??:0
248: 10 0x00000000004051f9 _start()  ??:0
248: ===============

I already tried to decompress the ERA -Interim data and I also considered the hints you gave before, but it still doesn’t work.
I would be very grateful for help.
Thank you very much and best regards,