NaN values in YUPRMASS etc – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Adhoc I see that you use <code> itype_gscp=4 </code> for the 0.12 simulation. I do not know if this namelist setting works for such a large grid width (always) properly. At the German Weather Service they use <code> itype_gscp=4 </code> in the cosmo-de settings with 0.025 degrees grid width. For cosmo-eu (0.0675 degrees grid width) they use <code> itype_gscp=3 </code> . The standard setup for a <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> simulations at 0.11 is also <code> itype_gscp=3 </code> . Does your 0.12 simulation run with these standard settings or does it also crash? </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #856b7f0

<p> Adhoc I see that you use <code> itype_gscp=4 </code> for the 0.12 simulation. I do not know if this namelist setting works for such a large grid width (always) properly. At the German Weather Service they use <code> itype_gscp=4 </code> in the cosmo-de settings with 0.025 degrees grid width. For cosmo-eu (0.0675 degrees grid width) they use <code> itype_gscp=3 </code> . The standard setup for a <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> simulations at 0.11 is also <code> itype_gscp=3 </code> . Does your 0.12 simulation run with these standard settings or does it also crash? </p>

Adhoc I see that you use itype_gscp=4 for the 0.12 simulation. I do not know if this namelist setting works for such a large grid width (always) properly. At the German Weather Service they use itype_gscp=4 in the cosmo-de settings with 0.025 degrees grid width. For cosmo-eu (0.0675 degrees grid width) they use itype_gscp=3 . The standard setup for a CCLM simulations at 0.11 is also itype_gscp=3 . Does your 0.12 simulation run with these standard settings or does it also crash?