NaN values in YUPRMASS etc – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear Vladimir, dear Burkhadt, </p> <p> the lstomata paramater is related to variable <a href=""> <span class="caps"> RSMIN </span> </a> INT2LM: “RSMIN” &gt; prs_min_lm, see "src_gribtabs.f90" CCLM: "RSMIN" &gt; rsmin2d, see “src_setup_vartab.f90” </p> <p> In both codes the sea-land-dependency-flag “l” is set, see the aformementioned modules. </p> <p> In INT2LM, “prs_min_lm” is initialized with the value “zero”, and obviously also above water bodies where it is not used. <br/> Question: might it be possible that the sea-land-dependency of <span class="caps"> RSMIN </span> is not taken into account coorectly in <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> ? </p> <p> I only found one place in the code (module src_soil_multlay.f90, abount line 2382) where <span class="caps"> RSMIN </span> (=rsmin2d) is used if lstomate=.TRUE., <br/> and there we have it in the denominator of an expression; division by zero might lead to NaN. </p> <p> However, the expression is excecuted only <br/> - IF (lstomata) THEN <br/> and <br/> - IF (llandmask(i,j)) <span class="caps"> THEN </span> ! land points only </p> <p> and two further conditions. </p> <p> Vladimir, you should check the distribution and values of <span class="caps"> RSMIN </span> in your laf-file of your 0.12 simulation. <br/> It must not be equal to zero at any gridpoint over land </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

  @hans-jürgenpanitz in #895020e

<p> Dear Vladimir, dear Burkhadt, </p> <p> the lstomata paramater is related to variable <a href=""> <span class="caps"> RSMIN </span> </a> INT2LM: “RSMIN” &gt; prs_min_lm, see "src_gribtabs.f90" CCLM: "RSMIN" &gt; rsmin2d, see “src_setup_vartab.f90” </p> <p> In both codes the sea-land-dependency-flag “l” is set, see the aformementioned modules. </p> <p> In INT2LM, “prs_min_lm” is initialized with the value “zero”, and obviously also above water bodies where it is not used. <br/> Question: might it be possible that the sea-land-dependency of <span class="caps"> RSMIN </span> is not taken into account coorectly in <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> ? </p> <p> I only found one place in the code (module src_soil_multlay.f90, abount line 2382) where <span class="caps"> RSMIN </span> (=rsmin2d) is used if lstomate=.TRUE., <br/> and there we have it in the denominator of an expression; division by zero might lead to NaN. </p> <p> However, the expression is excecuted only <br/> - IF (lstomata) THEN <br/> and <br/> - IF (llandmask(i,j)) <span class="caps"> THEN </span> ! land points only </p> <p> and two further conditions. </p> <p> Vladimir, you should check the distribution and values of <span class="caps"> RSMIN </span> in your laf-file of your 0.12 simulation. <br/> It must not be equal to zero at any gridpoint over land </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

Dear Vladimir, dear Burkhadt,

the lstomata paramater is related to variable RSMIN INT2LM: “RSMIN” > prs_min_lm, see "src_gribtabs.f90" CCLM: "RSMIN" > rsmin2d, see “src_setup_vartab.f90”

In both codes the sea-land-dependency-flag “l” is set, see the aformementioned modules.

In INT2LM, “prs_min_lm” is initialized with the value “zero”, and obviously also above water bodies where it is not used.
Question: might it be possible that the sea-land-dependency of RSMIN is not taken into account coorectly in CCLM ?

I only found one place in the code (module src_soil_multlay.f90, abount line 2382) where RSMIN (=rsmin2d) is used if lstomate=.TRUE.,
and there we have it in the denominator of an expression; division by zero might lead to NaN.

However, the expression is excecuted only
- IF (lstomata) THEN
- IF (llandmask(i,j)) THEN ! land points only

and two further conditions.

Vladimir, you should check the distribution and values of RSMIN in your laf-file of your 0.12 simulation.
It must not be equal to zero at any gridpoint over land
