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Problem CLM-Output variable EVATRA_SUM
Dear all,
I am using cosmo_131108_5.00_clm8 with boundary data from IFS analysis data. I want to have an evapotranspiration output, which is given by EVATRA _SUM output (sum of contributions to evapotranspiration)on the CLM -homepage. I got an output, but in every calculation step occurs following error:
In the output appears some missing value (-999) in topography areas higher than ~2000m. Different inputs ( LAI ,soiltype,PLCOV) and the individually outputs of transpiration sum ( TRA _SUM) and evaporation from bare soil ( AVEAP _S) looks plausible and do not show these missing values.
Do you have an idea what could be my mistake? (In the attachment is my CCLM runing script and the EVATRA _SUM output)
Thanks in advance!
It is really the case that “ EVATRA _SUM” is defined in the vartab (obviously since the very old COMSO version 3.21).
But this the only place where you can find this name.
Especially, no variable that will be calculated is assigned to this entry.
And there is also not an “IF EVATRA _SUM …” in src_output where EVATRA _SUM is calculated from other variables
Thus, to my understanding, it can’t be used as an output variable.
Looking into the misc.global_3 file in the DOCS folder (looking into this misc.global files is always a good advice to do!!!!)
tells you that “ EVATRA _SUM” belongs to a group of variables, which will be used for the computation of the water budget
but that this computation of the water budget is not yet implemented.
And this “not yet implemented” seems to be still the case!!!
Concerning the list of output variables on the CLM -Homepage.
This list, in principle, is just a copy of the the src_setup_vartab.f90.
Thus, all entries in the vartab, including those that are meaningless, also appear in the list.
Whether this can be avoided easily, I don’t know.
Furthermore: my explanations for EVATRA _SUM are also valid for TRA _SUM – defined only in setup-vartab, not used/referenced elsewhere.
Thus, I don’t think that your results for TRA _SUM are “plausible”.
I don’t know exactly what happens in src_output.
However, it would make sense to compare the TRA _SUM results with the results of those variables that you have defined
before TRA _SUM in your GRIBOUT ( HPBL or TOP _CON or BAS _CON).
Do the same for EVATRA _SUM (compare it with SI, or SLI or ….) and, please, report your findings.
revision of the code in order to avoid such errors is urgently needed!!!