frrtl: error (65) floating invalid – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> I am running two simulations in parallel for Europe forced by <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> with the former recommended version COSMO4.8_clm19. <br/> Both runs break up at the same time <br/> with: </p> <p> frrtl: error (65) floating invalid </p> <p> (see logfile also) </p> <p> the error occurs before reading the file, but this file looks ok. </p> <p> Thanks for any advice. <br/> Cheers Ivonne </p>

  @redc_migration in #d77c20b

<p> I am running two simulations in parallel for Europe forced by <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> with the former recommended version COSMO4.8_clm19. <br/> Both runs break up at the same time <br/> with: </p> <p> frrtl: error (65) floating invalid </p> <p> (see logfile also) </p> <p> the error occurs before reading the file, but this file looks ok. </p> <p> Thanks for any advice. <br/> Cheers Ivonne </p>

frrtl: error (65) floating invalid

I am running two simulations in parallel for Europe forced by NCEP with the former recommended version COSMO4.8_clm19.
Both runs break up at the same time

frrtl: error (65) floating invalid

(see logfile also)

the error occurs before reading the file, but this file looks ok.

Thanks for any advice.
Cheers Ivonne

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