Question on model output on z-levels – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear Burkhardt, </p> <p> I was not aware of this parameter yet, thanks. </p> <p> And with this parameter equal to .TRUE., I suppose that over sea the ground is just equal to <span class="caps"> MSL </span> then? </p> <p> Best regards, <br/> Ruben </p>

  @rubenborgers in #731eec4

<p> Dear Burkhardt, </p> <p> I was not aware of this parameter yet, thanks. </p> <p> And with this parameter equal to .TRUE., I suppose that over sea the ground is just equal to <span class="caps"> MSL </span> then? </p> <p> Best regards, <br/> Ruben </p>

Dear Burkhardt,

I was not aware of this parameter yet, thanks.

And with this parameter equal to .TRUE., I suppose that over sea the ground is just equal to MSL then?

Best regards,