Problem with writing restart file – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> The file lrfd2010051100o doesn’t exist. But, it seems to me, the problem could be somewhere else, because we have run this compiled binary file previously without any problems. Maybe, I didn’t understand something, but I have run the <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> 5 climate version, not the <span class="caps"> NWP </span> one. I have looked into io_utilities.f90 file, the following states there: </p> <p> <pre><br/> CASE (‘bina’)</pre> </p> IF (my_id 0) THEN IF (ymode(1:1) ‘r’) <span class="caps"> THEN </span> <span class="caps"> OPEN </span> (nudat, <span class="caps"> FILE </span> = <acronym title="datname"> <span class="caps"> TRIM </span> </acronym> , <span class="caps"> FORM </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> UNFORMATTED </span> ’, <span class="caps"> STATUS </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> OLD </span> ’, &amp; <span class="caps"> ACTION </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> READ </span> ’, <span class="caps"> IOSTAT </span> =ierror) <span class="caps"> ELSEIF </span> ((ymode(1:1) 'w') .OR. (ymode(1:1) ‘a’)) <span class="caps"> THEN </span> ! there is no append for restart-files. They are NEW <span class="caps"> OPEN </span> (nudat, <span class="caps"> FILE </span> = <acronym title="datname"> <span class="caps"> TRIM </span> </acronym> , <span class="caps"> FORM </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> UNFORMATTED </span> ’, <span class="caps"> STATUS </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> NEW </span> ’, &amp; <span class="caps"> ACTION </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> WRITE </span> ’, <span class="caps"> IOSTAT </span> =ierror) <p> As I understand, this is correctly… </p>

  @vladimirplatonov in #9d30e69

<p> The file lrfd2010051100o doesn’t exist. But, it seems to me, the problem could be somewhere else, because we have run this compiled binary file previously without any problems. Maybe, I didn’t understand something, but I have run the <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> 5 climate version, not the <span class="caps"> NWP </span> one. I have looked into io_utilities.f90 file, the following states there: </p> <p> <pre><br/> CASE (‘bina’)</pre> </p> IF (my_id 0) THEN IF (ymode(1:1) ‘r’) <span class="caps"> THEN </span> <span class="caps"> OPEN </span> (nudat, <span class="caps"> FILE </span> = <acronym title="datname"> <span class="caps"> TRIM </span> </acronym> , <span class="caps"> FORM </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> UNFORMATTED </span> ’, <span class="caps"> STATUS </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> OLD </span> ’, &amp; <span class="caps"> ACTION </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> READ </span> ’, <span class="caps"> IOSTAT </span> =ierror) <span class="caps"> ELSEIF </span> ((ymode(1:1) 'w') .OR. (ymode(1:1) ‘a’)) <span class="caps"> THEN </span> ! there is no append for restart-files. They are NEW <span class="caps"> OPEN </span> (nudat, <span class="caps"> FILE </span> = <acronym title="datname"> <span class="caps"> TRIM </span> </acronym> , <span class="caps"> FORM </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> UNFORMATTED </span> ’, <span class="caps"> STATUS </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> NEW </span> ’, &amp; <span class="caps"> ACTION </span> =‘ <span class="caps"> WRITE </span> ’, <span class="caps"> IOSTAT </span> =ierror) <p> As I understand, this is correctly… </p>

The file lrfd2010051100o doesn’t exist. But, it seems to me, the problem could be somewhere else, because we have run this compiled binary file previously without any problems. Maybe, I didn’t understand something, but I have run the COSMO 5 climate version, not the NWP one. I have looked into io_utilities.f90 file, the following states there:

CASE (‘bina’)

IF (my_id 0) THEN IF (ymode(1:1) ‘r’) THEN OPEN (nudat, FILE = TRIM , FORM =‘ UNFORMATTED ’, STATUS =‘ OLD ’, & ACTION =‘ READ ’, IOSTAT =ierror) ELSEIF ((ymode(1:1) 'w') .OR. (ymode(1:1) ‘a’)) THEN ! there is no append for restart-files. They are NEW OPEN (nudat, FILE = TRIM , FORM =‘ UNFORMATTED ’, STATUS =‘ NEW ’, & ACTION =‘ WRITE ’, IOSTAT =ierror)

As I understand, this is correctly…