Petra Sieber in #9: CCLM on December 11 (#fffa476)

in #9: CCLM

<h2> Daily surface shortwave fluxes are zero (ASWDIR_S, ASWDIFD_S, ASWDIFU_S) </h2> <p> I use cclm6.0. When I output the average fields ASWDIR_S, ASWDIFD_S and ASWDIFU_S at 24h intervals (starting e.g. on 1 Jan 00:00), I get zeros every day in the whole domain. The values could be the average of T1 and T2 (i.e. 1 Jan 00:00 and 2 Jan 00:00), but I would expect them to be the daily average over all model time steps in that day. I set ireset_sums=2. </p> <p> Is this the expected behavior or am I doing something wrong? When I output the variables at 3h intervals, I get a normal diurnal cycle (so it is not an error in the model calculations). </p> <p> I am also interested in daily precipitation (TOT_PREC) and wonder if this field returns the daily sum when I put it in my 24h output stream. </p>

  @petrasieber in #fffa476

<h2> Daily surface shortwave fluxes are zero (ASWDIR_S, ASWDIFD_S, ASWDIFU_S) </h2> <p> I use cclm6.0. When I output the average fields ASWDIR_S, ASWDIFD_S and ASWDIFU_S at 24h intervals (starting e.g. on 1 Jan 00:00), I get zeros every day in the whole domain. The values could be the average of T1 and T2 (i.e. 1 Jan 00:00 and 2 Jan 00:00), but I would expect them to be the daily average over all model time steps in that day. I set ireset_sums=2. </p> <p> Is this the expected behavior or am I doing something wrong? When I output the variables at 3h intervals, I get a normal diurnal cycle (so it is not an error in the model calculations). </p> <p> I am also interested in daily precipitation (TOT_PREC) and wonder if this field returns the daily sum when I put it in my 24h output stream. </p>

Daily surface shortwave fluxes are zero (ASWDIR_S, ASWDIFD_S, ASWDIFU_S)

I use cclm6.0. When I output the average fields ASWDIR_S, ASWDIFD_S and ASWDIFU_S at 24h intervals (starting e.g. on 1 Jan 00:00), I get zeros every day in the whole domain. The values could be the average of T1 and T2 (i.e. 1 Jan 00:00 and 2 Jan 00:00), but I would expect them to be the daily average over all model time steps in that day. I set ireset_sums=2.

Is this the expected behavior or am I doing something wrong? When I output the variables at 3h intervals, I get a normal diurnal cycle (so it is not an error in the model calculations).

I am also interested in daily precipitation (TOT_PREC) and wonder if this field returns the daily sum when I put it in my 24h output stream.

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<p> Hello Petra, could it be that you have these variables also in other output streams? Such a case cannot be handled by COSMO. If there is an output stream written every 3 hours and another one written every 24 hours and both include ASWDIR_S and the others: These variables would be reset every 3 hours. And I guess from 21 to 24 UTC these variables really could be zero. <br/> All variables that undergo a statistical postprocessing (as averaging) can only occur in one output stream. </p> <p> Ciao </p> <p> Uli </p>

  @ulrichschättler in #2e66f7d

<p> Hello Petra, could it be that you have these variables also in other output streams? Such a case cannot be handled by COSMO. If there is an output stream written every 3 hours and another one written every 24 hours and both include ASWDIR_S and the others: These variables would be reset every 3 hours. And I guess from 21 to 24 UTC these variables really could be zero. <br/> All variables that undergo a statistical postprocessing (as averaging) can only occur in one output stream. </p> <p> Ciao </p> <p> Uli </p>

Hello Petra, could it be that you have these variables also in other output streams? Such a case cannot be handled by COSMO. If there is an output stream written every 3 hours and another one written every 24 hours and both include ASWDIR_S and the others: These variables would be reset every 3 hours. And I guess from 21 to 24 UTC these variables really could be zero.
All variables that undergo a statistical postprocessing (as averaging) can only occur in one output stream.



<p> Sorry, I forgot: if you include TOT_PREC only in the 24h output stream, it should include the daily sums. </p> <p> Ciao </p> <p> Uli </p>

  @ulrichschättler in #5cf926e

<p> Sorry, I forgot: if you include TOT_PREC only in the 24h output stream, it should include the daily sums. </p> <p> Ciao </p> <p> Uli </p>

Sorry, I forgot: if you include TOT_PREC only in the 24h output stream, it should include the daily sums.



<p> Hi Uli, thank you so much for your reply, that explains everything! Indeed, I also have ASWDIR_S and the others in a 3h output stream. Good to know I cannot do both at the same time. </p> <p> Is there a comprehensive list of output variables for cclm6.0, with aggregation types and level options specified? I only have a very old one with partly outdated variable names. </p> <p> Best, Petra </p>

  @petrasieber in #1847f6a

<p> Hi Uli, thank you so much for your reply, that explains everything! Indeed, I also have ASWDIR_S and the others in a 3h output stream. Good to know I cannot do both at the same time. </p> <p> Is there a comprehensive list of output variables for cclm6.0, with aggregation types and level options specified? I only have a very old one with partly outdated variable names. </p> <p> Best, Petra </p>

Hi Uli, thank you so much for your reply, that explains everything! Indeed, I also have ASWDIR_S and the others in a 3h output stream. Good to know I cannot do both at the same time.

Is there a comprehensive list of output variables for cclm6.0, with aggregation types and level options specified? I only have a very old one with partly outdated variable names.

Best, Petra

<p> Hello Petra, the latest (and most comprehensive) list can be found in the last I/O Guide: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> </a> (Section 4.3) </p> <p> But I fear this is what you also have. Sorry for never finishing this work. </p> <p> </p> <p> If you can read source code: take a look to the file src_setup_vartab.f90 (in src directory)  : here you can find lists of all variables (with up-to-date names) for input and output. In every of these lists there is a column “ntri”: in grib this is the “time range indicator”, which defines the aggregation: </p> <p> 0: no aggregation at all </p> <p> 2: MIN/MAX values </p> <p> 3: averaged values </p> <p> 4: summation (like TOT_PREC) </p> <p> </p> <p> Hope this helps a bit </p> <p> </p> <p> Ciao <br/> Uli </p>

  @ulrichschättler in #48faf14

<p> Hello Petra, the latest (and most comprehensive) list can be found in the last I/O Guide: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> </a> (Section 4.3) </p> <p> But I fear this is what you also have. Sorry for never finishing this work. </p> <p> </p> <p> If you can read source code: take a look to the file src_setup_vartab.f90 (in src directory)  : here you can find lists of all variables (with up-to-date names) for input and output. In every of these lists there is a column “ntri”: in grib this is the “time range indicator”, which defines the aggregation: </p> <p> 0: no aggregation at all </p> <p> 2: MIN/MAX values </p> <p> 3: averaged values </p> <p> 4: summation (like TOT_PREC) </p> <p> </p> <p> Hope this helps a bit </p> <p> </p> <p> Ciao <br/> Uli </p>

Hello Petra, the latest (and most comprehensive) list can be found in the last I/O Guide: (Section 4.3)

But I fear this is what you also have. Sorry for never finishing this work.

If you can read source code: take a look to the file src_setup_vartab.f90 (in src directory)  : here you can find lists of all variables (with up-to-date names) for input and output. In every of these lists there is a column “ntri”: in grib this is the “time range indicator”, which defines the aggregation:

0: no aggregation at all

2: MIN/MAX values

3: averaged values

4: summation (like TOT_PREC)

Hope this helps a bit


<p> Great to know! Thank you so much Uli. Have a nice evening! </p>

  @petrasieber in #b70d219

<p> Great to know! Thank you so much Uli. Have a nice evening! </p>

Great to know! Thank you so much Uli. Have a nice evening!