Question about ke_soil_in, czml_soil_in parameters – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Dear colleagues, <br/> I have some confusion with configuring the <span class="caps"> GRID </span> _IN <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> block, namely the <strong> ke_soil_in, czml_soil_in </strong> parameters. I have done the gcm-to-cclm task. But I have replaced the given <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> “caf”-files (from Training Course) with the <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -40 (February, 2002) “caf”-files that I have downloaded from <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> server. I have replaced some parameters in <span class="caps"> CONTRL </span> and <span class="caps"> GRID </span> _IN <span class="caps"> NAMELISTS </span> accordingly (see the attached <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> file). <br/> Previously, I have made <br/> <pre> ncks caf-file... &gt;info </pre> <br/> for <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> and <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -40 “caf”-files. There I have suggested, how to replace many parameters in <span class="caps"> CONTRL </span> and <span class="caps"> GRID </span> _IN <span class="caps"> NAMELISTS </span> . But then I have some doubts with soil parameters. In the <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> “info”-file, at the end, the following is mentioned: <br/> <pre> soil1[0]=0.05 m soil1[1]=1.05 m </pre> </p> <p> In the corresponding <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> (for <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> from Training Course) is: <br/> <pre> ke_soil_in=1, czml_soil_in=0.05, 1.05, </pre> </p> <p> In the <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -40 “info”-file at the same position is mentioned: <br/> <pre> soil1[0]=0.035 m soil1[1]=0.175 m soil1[2]=0.64 m soil1[3]=1.945 m </pre> </p> <p> I have suggested to replace the <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> so (see the <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> file): <br/> <pre> ke_soil_in=4, czml_soil_in=0.035, 0.175, 0.64, 1.945 </pre> </p> <p> But I have become errors (see the “slurm”-file and maybe, <span class="caps"> OUTPUT </span> ). I have tried some variants (it is the commented strings in the <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> file), but there was almost the same result. <br/> Thank you very much for any suggestions for this problem. <br/> Best regards, Vladimir Platonov. </p>

  @vladimirplatonov in #3e8f9d0

<p> Dear colleagues, <br/> I have some confusion with configuring the <span class="caps"> GRID </span> _IN <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> block, namely the <strong> ke_soil_in, czml_soil_in </strong> parameters. I have done the gcm-to-cclm task. But I have replaced the given <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> “caf”-files (from Training Course) with the <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -40 (February, 2002) “caf”-files that I have downloaded from <span class="caps"> DKRZ </span> server. I have replaced some parameters in <span class="caps"> CONTRL </span> and <span class="caps"> GRID </span> _IN <span class="caps"> NAMELISTS </span> accordingly (see the attached <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> file). <br/> Previously, I have made <br/> <pre> ncks caf-file... &gt;info </pre> <br/> for <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> and <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -40 “caf”-files. There I have suggested, how to replace many parameters in <span class="caps"> CONTRL </span> and <span class="caps"> GRID </span> _IN <span class="caps"> NAMELISTS </span> . But then I have some doubts with soil parameters. In the <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> “info”-file, at the end, the following is mentioned: <br/> <pre> soil1[0]=0.05 m soil1[1]=1.05 m </pre> </p> <p> In the corresponding <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> (for <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> from Training Course) is: <br/> <pre> ke_soil_in=1, czml_soil_in=0.05, 1.05, </pre> </p> <p> In the <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -40 “info”-file at the same position is mentioned: <br/> <pre> soil1[0]=0.035 m soil1[1]=0.175 m soil1[2]=0.64 m soil1[3]=1.945 m </pre> </p> <p> I have suggested to replace the <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> so (see the <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> file): <br/> <pre> ke_soil_in=4, czml_soil_in=0.035, 0.175, 0.64, 1.945 </pre> </p> <p> But I have become errors (see the “slurm”-file and maybe, <span class="caps"> OUTPUT </span> ). I have tried some variants (it is the commented strings in the <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> file), but there was almost the same result. <br/> Thank you very much for any suggestions for this problem. <br/> Best regards, Vladimir Platonov. </p>

Question about ke_soil_in, czml_soil_in parameters

Dear colleagues,
I have some confusion with configuring the GRID _IN NAMELIST block, namely the ke_soil_in, czml_soil_in parameters. I have done the gcm-to-cclm task. But I have replaced the given NCEP “caf”-files (from Training Course) with the ERA -40 (February, 2002) “caf”-files that I have downloaded from DKRZ server. I have replaced some parameters in CONTRL and GRID _IN NAMELISTS accordingly (see the attached INPUT file).
Previously, I have made

ncks caf-file... >info

for NCEP and ERA -40 “caf”-files. There I have suggested, how to replace many parameters in CONTRL and GRID _IN NAMELISTS . But then I have some doubts with soil parameters. In the NCEP “info”-file, at the end, the following is mentioned:
soil1[0]=0.05 m
soil1[1]=1.05 m

In the corresponding NAMELIST (for NCEP from Training Course) is:

czml_soil_in=0.05, 1.05,

In the ERA -40 “info”-file at the same position is mentioned:

soil1[0]=0.035 m
soil1[1]=0.175 m
soil1[2]=0.64 m
soil1[3]=1.945 m

I have suggested to replace the NAMELIST so (see the INPUT file):

czml_soil_in=0.035, 0.175, 0.64, 1.945

But I have become errors (see the “slurm”-file and maybe, OUTPUT ). I have tried some variants (it is the commented strings in the INPUT file), but there was almost the same result.
Thank you very much for any suggestions for this problem.
Best regards, Vladimir Platonov.

View in channel
<p> The value for ke_soil_in has to be one less than the dimension of czml_soil_in (see the <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> example). Therefore you must set ke_soil_in=3 in case of ERA40 data. <br/> This reads a bit strange, but it is a relict of old times when the deepest layer was counted extra as climatological layer. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #04cbb02

<p> The value for ke_soil_in has to be one less than the dimension of czml_soil_in (see the <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> example). Therefore you must set ke_soil_in=3 in case of ERA40 data. <br/> This reads a bit strange, but it is a relict of old times when the deepest layer was counted extra as climatological layer. </p>

The value for ke_soil_in has to be one less than the dimension of czml_soil_in (see the NCEP example). Therefore you must set ke_soil_in=3 in case of ERA40 data.
This reads a bit strange, but it is a relict of old times when the deepest layer was counted extra as climatological layer.

<p> Thank you. But, unfortunately, this leads new errors. Maybe, I have done something wrong with the other <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> parameters? </p>

  @vladimirplatonov in #63014cf

<p> Thank you. But, unfortunately, this leads new errors. Maybe, I have done something wrong with the other <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> parameters? </p>

Thank you. But, unfortunately, this leads new errors. Maybe, I have done something wrong with the other NAMELIST parameters?

<p> The namelist is read in a Fortran program. Therefore the comment sign is ! not # </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #027dace

<p> The namelist is read in a Fortran program. Therefore the comment sign is ! not # </p>

The namelist is read in a Fortran program. Therefore the comment sign is ! not #