Question about ke_soil_in, czml_soil_in parameters – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> The value for ke_soil_in has to be one less than the dimension of czml_soil_in (see the <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> example). Therefore you must set ke_soil_in=3 in case of ERA40 data. <br/> This reads a bit strange, but it is a relict of old times when the deepest layer was counted extra as climatological layer. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #04cbb02

<p> The value for ke_soil_in has to be one less than the dimension of czml_soil_in (see the <span class="caps"> NCEP </span> example). Therefore you must set ke_soil_in=3 in case of ERA40 data. <br/> This reads a bit strange, but it is a relict of old times when the deepest layer was counted extra as climatological layer. </p>

The value for ke_soil_in has to be one less than the dimension of czml_soil_in (see the NCEP example). Therefore you must set ke_soil_in=3 in case of ERA40 data.
This reads a bit strange, but it is a relict of old times when the deepest layer was counted extra as climatological layer.